gizmo for president.

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The hallways were louder today. Too much talking all too fast,
From every corner and almost every person.
Sal didn't blame people for talking,
he blamed his heart for accelerating so dramatically.
Like they had minds of their own, his stumpy fingers twisted into his pigtails.
The feeling of his hair against his fingernails sort of quieted the aggressive noise.

But after about 3 seconds he got self-conscious and shoved his hands in his pockets.

20 minutes until class, Sal and Larry b lined to their lockers, shifting through the crowd in a clunky manner.

A head of brown feathery hair was shoved into the depths of her locker, rummaging through her abyss of a backpack. At her feet was folded and crumpled papers, three different colored pens, and a keychain, all of which she probably didn't realize fell on the ground.

"Gmorning ashhole!" Larry announced routinely.
Ashley's face lurched from her locker,
Slapping both the brothers with eye contact.

"I CAN'T FIND MY HOMEWORK", she screamed quietly as possible.

"Like, you mean, the English homework ?"

Larry asked

She nodded vigorously.
Sal fished around for his finished homework in his backpack,
Politely handing it to her.

Ashley did a double take before clutching her head and relief.


She held the homework like they were crown jewels and quickly wrote the necessary answers on her arm.
Upon returning them to him she grabbed his prosthetic cheeks and angled his head up at her, a giddy playful smile showing her thanks.

"You just saved my ass fisher!!"

Sal felt his knees buckle and stuttered 'no problem' as he memorized every feature of her face as it's this happy.

She was in fact so happy that Sal chose not to mention the giant glob of green paint on her forehead. Conveniently neither did anybody else.

uuuhh its salvisWhere stories live. Discover now