Chapter 20 - The 3rd Vision

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3rd Person

The party bombarded them with questions.

"Dude, what took you so long?"

"Why did you grab something out of Will's bag?"

"Are you okay!?"

"We will explain okay, just stop bombarding us with questions." Mike spoke up.

"Explain then."

"Okay so will had a second vision." Mike said flatly

The party all shared concerned looks while Will just sat looking uncomfortable.

"I don't have long left. I know." Will mumbled.

"Will, I have been through this so I think we should talk alone" Max spoke up.

"What? Im his boyfriend!! I should be there aswell." Mike scoffed.

"Have you been cursed by vecna"

"Well no b-"

"Exactly. Will follow me."

"Okay.." Will placed a kiss on Mike's cheek as an apology for him not letting mike come and followed max upstairs.

"Okay, I need to know how many visions you have had."

"I've had 2."

"Okay, what were they? I know this is not very nice to talk about but I just need to know."

"Well, uh, the first one there was my dad, and troy, and they were yelling at me, and uhm, calling me.. things."

"Okay.. and what was the second one?"

"I-I was walking to the bathroom, and I saw a clock. And it cracked and a ton of little spiders came out and then I heard foot steps behind me so I turned around and Mike was there.."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, uhm, his eyes were like bright red so I knew it wasnt my mike."

Max smiled at the name Will gave him.

"Is that all?"

"No, uh, I knew that wasn't my mike so I said to him 'I know its not you' and he turned back into his regular form, and he was warning me. Warning me about how I can't escape him. And how my time, has come to an end."

"Okay, I escaped him so I need you to listen very carefully. Okay?"


"You need to have your favorite song with you at ALL times. Do you have a tape of your favorite song?"

"Yeah, I think Mike has it right now."

"Okay, You need to wear it as soon as we wake up tomorrow. And when he had me in the trance, He had me tied up with all of his vines and shit, I thought of all my favorite memories."

"How many?"

"As many as I needed. They gave me strength. So I used the memories to break one of my arms free and I ripped a vine off of his neck, which hurt him, so he let me go and because of the music, there was a portal, and I ran to it and it brought me back to reality."

Will just sat there, soaking this all up.

"Do you understand?"

Will merely nodded.


Will jumped back.

"P-please dont yell at me."


"I'm sorry! I understand!" Will apologized, tearing up.

"Don't start crying." Max scoffed.

"I- I'm not." Will stuttered.

"Really?" She mocked.

"Why are you being so rude.. I thought you wanted to help me." Will frowned.

"I was lying to you. I don't want to help.. your kind. You make me sick." She chuckled harshly.

"Max what are you saying.?" Will questioned, voice breaking.

"You thought I supported you?"

"Well I thought you did.. I guess not." He whispered.

"Oh William. Your such a fool." A deep voice spoke.

"No. NO. NO NO NO." Will yelled, backing away from 'Max'.

"Don't be afraid. Your time has come to an end. Be prepared." 'Max' spoke, as her face started to crack.

Will watched in horror as all of Max's flesh started to crack and peel away to slowly reveal the vines of vecnas face.

Mikes bedroom soon faded into Vecnas weird

"WILL" He heard Max's voice say very faintly.

"She can't save you, Will. You don't have long left." Vecna spoke.

"NO, GO AWAY. GO. AWAY." Will yelled at Vecna.

"WILL WAKE UP" Came Max's voice again, but louder this time.

"GO AWAY!" Will screamed, and Vecna went flying back, and he was back in Mikes room.

"WILL? WILL CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Max yelled at him


"HOLY SHIT, I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!!" He heard Lucas yell

"You will. Soon."

"What? Will what do you mean." Mike spoke gravely.

"Vecna. Is going to get me."

The whole room was silent while everybody stared at Will.

"I want to do something. Fun. I dont have long left."

"Okay, lets sleep and as soon as we wake up, we can go somewhere." Mike announced.

They all agreed and smiled, then headed back down to the basement.

"Holy shit its 4am." Dustin realised.

Eleven raised her eyebrow.


"So we need to sleep."

"Okay then! Goodnight everyone!" Eleven smiled.

Everyone said goodnight and got on their mattress, while Mike got on the couch.

After about 20 minutes, everyone had fallen asleep, apart from Will.

"M-Mike?" Will whispered.

"Yeah?" Mike answered, softly.

"Can I sleep up there with you..? I'm scared." Will askes timidly.

Mike smiled at how shy Will was, "Yeah, of course"

Will smiled back and got up and layed down next to mike.

They lay down with each other, Mike spooning Will, for about 20 minutes.

"I love you." Will whispered, thinking Mike was asleep.

"I love you to, Will." Mike whispered back and kissed the top of his head.

They both fell asleep shortly after that.

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