The one with the shopping.

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"What does this thing do?" Parker enquired whilst holding up the small brush to her face, running it over her forehead cautiously before frowning at the rough feeling.

Hailee rolled her eyes as she held back a smile at Parkers actions. Reaching forward where Parker sat with her legs crossed on the bed holding the small brush between her thumb and forefinger, she kissed the girls cheek briefly before taking it from in between in her fingers. "It'a my eyebrow glue brush. Now stop, you're distracting."

Parker's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Eyebrow glue? Why are you gluing your eyebrows?"

Hailee through her head back with a grin and placed her mirror down on her legs. "Parker, have you honestly never worn make up? It's to keep them...y'know, in place."

"In place...where are they going?" Parker mumbled before moving her focus away Hailee's make up products laid out in front of her. The night before Hailee had actually brought an overnight bag with her, which to be honest, Parker quickly found out was pretty much just an empty bag with her make up bag in it and Parker is pretty sure that's so she can just steal some of Parker's clothes. She's noticed her stealing her stuff periodically, apparently the brunette had given up on trying to be stealthy. "I've never needed to...or wanted to. It's weird. It confuses me."

"You confuse me." Hailee mumbled as she eyed herself quickly in the mirror she was holding.

"Sorry, what?" Parker asked once she'd pulled a clean T shirt over her head.

Hailee smiled and stood off the bed before taking a few steps till she was in front of Parker. She stood on her tip toes quickly and placed a quick kiss to Parker's unexpected lips, following it up by rubbing her thumb over Parker's lips, wiping away any trace of the lipstick she was wearing off. "Nothing Bug. You ready?"

Parker pouted again. "No."

Hailee laughed again, something she does a lot of around Parked, and wrapped her arms around Parker's neck, playing with the baby hairs at the back of her neck softly. "Why baby, what's up?" She asked with a grin.

"I don't like shopping." Parker replied with distaste in her mouth.

"Okay, first thing, you're too fucking adorable, it's stupid, stop. Second thing, I know you hate it, but it's Griffins birthday and I still need to pick up a few things. Thirdly, I appreciate you coming with me. Is that a word? It doesn't sound right. Anyway, whatever, fourth," Hailee paused to kiss Parker's lips once more, "then I get to see you play in person later and I'll make sure to make it worth your while." Hailee finished with an eyebrow raise and small bite of her lower lip.

Parker's eyebrows raised quickly. Hailee making it worth her while worked out real well for her last time. "So, shall we go?"

Hailee through her head back, smiling as Parker's hands wrapped themselves around her waist, holding her firmly against her. "Okay...but if you have a tantrum when we're out, I don't care how hot you are, I'll leave your ass there."


"You're sure he'll like this?" Hailee double checked as she handed her card over to the cashier to pay.

Parker frowned. "You said he supports Chelsea...that's Chelsea's new home shirt. If he doesn't like it then men are weird. Or he's already got it, in which case it's all on you."

"I mean he could, but whatever, I've got him enough now. If he doesn't-thank you," Hailee paused to smile at the cashier who handed her back her card and a bag over the counter. "If he doesn't like it, or he already has it, I'll just give him the receipt. It's only a small thing."

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