Helluva Boss (Pilot)

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The scene shows a black building with checkers horns. Car horns are heard right next to the building along with a Welcome To IMP City

In the IMP headquarters (with a meeting in progress shows none other than Blitzø and his employees.

" Alright I know business has been a slow lately and it's know one's fault,okay I'm not naming any names here....Moxxie." The white haired demon looks at his boss with a offended look.

"Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again?"

"What about a Car Wash." Millie says excitingly.

"This is hell Millie, no one cares about cars being clean here okay." Blitzø says thinking.

"Oh what about a billboard?" He says with sparkles in his eyes

"We can't afford a billboard sir." Moxxie says annoyed. Blitzø apears next to Moxxie slinging a arm around him

"Oh Moxxie, glad your in the room right now." Blitzø pushes moxxie off the chair.

"Have you guy's forgotten what survice we provide." Blitz turns on the tv showing him and his employees killing people. He held a bowl of popcorn throwing some in his mouth while sitting on the floor watching tv static. "Those were the good times."

"I don't need any reminders sir, considering you blew most of our money, MOSTLY Yumi's money that you STOLE on a obnoxious tv add last week. One that you additionally paid to run on a full 3 hours on a channel nobody watches."

"Hey excuse me, What's obnoxious about a super fun jingle that Yumi so happily funded me for hmm."

"Matter of fact where is that everyday late fucker at anyways." Moxxie and Millie sit back down. "Oh,he said he's gonna be running a little late." Millie says happily.

Blitzø rubs his head in a stressful manner *sighs* " definitely firing him after this one."

"He doesn't even work here." Loona says bordely

"In most cases the only reason why this business is still going is because you sir  steal HIS money."

"It's called borrowing Moxxie,write it down if you have to. OKAY, so what we're we talking about? oh yeah the jingles".

"Hmm well it's sorta like a musical and people Love~ musicals sir."

"Exactly Millie and where basically doing a musical."

"Now are you gonna crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did."


Sad music plays in the back while Blitzø acts dramatic

"Cause all I see right now is my dads asswhole talking to me,crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside.

Millie leans in to Moxxie "Are you trynna crush his dreams Moxxie." He try's to protest before looking at Millie. "What?" "I thought I knew you." Mills said flirtatiously sticking her tongue out while Moxxie rolls his eyes, flustered.

"I can't believe you Moxxie right after I made you employe of the month." Blitzø holds up a disturbing picture of Moxxie.

"Okay sir I'm sorry but nobody actually likes the jingles."

"I liked it."

Moxxie looks irritated pointing at Millie. "Do not.Do not agree with him in front of me,"




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