Murder Family:. S1 Ep:1

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"You do everything right in life. Play by the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitler and Epstein's of the world after one measly massacre propelled by blind rage" Mrs.Mayberry says.

she turn around to Yumi and Blitzø who's just staring at her in boredom.

She held a cigarette in her hand "to get my revenge."

"I mean,was she hotter." Blitzø says carelessly.
The misses in the room looks a offend and glares at Blitzø

"Blitzø enough."

"Sorry, i'am having a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me tits." Mayberry flares up growling. "Anyway I don't think you quite understand how things work down here, you see we take revenge on the living and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death frankly, are all probably down here in hell with you." He boops her nose.

Yumi in the back turns off his phone in pure curiosity.

"Not all of them, that whore survived and now they all call her a hero.


The home wrecker is seen in a hospital bed with her husband at her side,the news cast interviewing her.

"How does it feel to survive such a crazy bitch?" The news lady asked

"I just hope that sick woman finally finds peace." She said in a fake sad tone

"You are so brave here $2 million dollars."

"Between the talk shows and donating bullshit she made so much damm cash getting shot was the best thing that ever happen to her."

Yumi snores in the back while Blitzø is twirling a horse in his hand.

"You're a hero." Yumi says in his sleep.

Mrs.Mayberry slams the table "SHES NOT A HERO." Yumi wakes up on the verge of slapping the shit out of her.

Blitzø leans back "mmmhm yeah that's my thought exactly." Pressing a red button under his desk.

Yumi stand up bringing his Katana out. Mrs.Barry growls at him. "Do that shit ag-."

Before Yumi could finish his sentence his mouth was grabbed by Blitzø.

"Hahaha don't mind my employee here he's....special."

"M dmtn emen wmrk hmerr." Translation:I don't even work here."

"ALRIGHTY THEN." Blitzø and Mrs.Mayberry walk out the door with Yumi following behind

Blitzø burst the door open "Guys I want you to meet" Moxxie accidentally let's go if the trigger to the bow and area and it bounces off the wall.

It hits the leg of a fish tank full of electric eels and soon caught by Blitzø. "Our newest client." The leg of the fish tank falls down and the offices gets set on fire. Yumi walks in the room,taking a glance before walking back out.

"Dammit Moxxie,I just bought those eels!" He throws the arow on the desk.


The fire fighters arrive and take the electric eels away. "I named one Scott...Scott Remington." Yumi says staring at the fire fighters driving away.

"Aww I know." Blitzø hugs Yumi "Blame it on Moxxie." He let's go and walks to the taxi

"Bye and don't worry we'll get that skank in less than 24 hours or else your kill is free!" He says smiling and waving to the taxi Mrs.Mayberry was in.

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