Chapter 1 - Dark Winds

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Celegorm put his eye to the sights of his rifle, but was careful not to move otherwise. The boar was ambling between trees and he'd soon be in range. He took a breath, then took the shot. He leapt up, slung his rifle over his shoulder, and started the trek down to his prey. It was a sizeable old boar. He hadn't parked his jeep too far away in case of this. He got to work field dressing it to make it easier to transport, then he'd have to clear out. The DNR didn't go for poaching, even if he was doing them a favor by hunting an invasive species.

He drove into town as the sun rose. There was a fair bit of meat and he needed to offload it soon. It would last in the cooler long enough for breakfast though. His thoughts were quiet during the drive into town. He parked outside the local diner and walked in. He'd been in town for a couple weeks now and the waitresses knew him. Edna came over with a pot of coffee.

"Morning, hon, say you know anybody by the name of Kimberly Malcolm?" She asked as she poured him a mug.

He frowned as he picked up the sugar. "Doesn't ring a bell, why?"

"Well, strangest thing." She started, "Phone rings early this morning, man on the other end says he's looking for you. Said he didn't know what name you're going by, but he knew you were around this town, described you to a T. Very tall, long tow hair, one or two knives, probably wearing camo, you know, kinda how you are now," she made a broad gesture to his hunting attire, "When he gave his name he said you'd figure it out."

Celegorm held the mug under his nose and inhaled the steam, puzzlement furrowing his brow. "This man say anything else? Any way to contact him?"

Edna shrugged. "Just a phone number to call. Wrote it down for you." She slid a piece of paper over the counter to him.

He inspected it. Area code from up north. Kimberly Malcolm. He muttered the name a few times, turning it over in his mind. Kimberly Malcolm. Kanafinwe Makalaure. The association hit with jolt. Just like him to play with sounds like that. He stood up, took a swig of his coffee and went to the phone. Kano hadn't contacted him in years. They'd fought again. Maybe he was finally apologizing, but how did he know where he was?

He dialed the number and waited. A familiar voice answered.


"Yeah, what?"

"Tyelkormo, I need to talk to you."

"Obviously, now spit it out before my coffee gets cold." He eyed his spot to make sure no one else claimed it, but the diner was almost empty.

"Tyelko, listen to me."

"I am listening." Celegorm had let frustration into his voice. This didn't sound like the apology he'd been hoping for.

"Tyelko, I saw something last night."

There was something in Maglor's voice that stopped him from making another jab. He waited for him to continue.

A sigh on the other end. "Around midnight last night, a shadow spoke to me."

That had Celegorm's attention. "What?"

"It materialized out of shadow and spoke to me. It knew my name. It knew me from... from the Wars."

"What wars?"

"The Wars." His voice was low and soft.

A chill ran down Celegorm's spine. "It knew your name? What did it look like?"

"Humanoid, but too long, no features, except for a mouth with teeth."

Celegorm was silent in thought.

"I wanted to ask you because I thought you'd know what it was. With your hunting experience. You know, back in the day."

That day had been a very very long time ago, but he still remembered. He sighed. "Anything else?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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