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     When I wasn't on an active mission, the first thing I did when I woke up was my morning exercise routine. I did a series of stretches followed by sit-ups, squats, push-ups, and lunges. It kept my muscles tight and readied me for the day. It was a routine I'd learned soon after I'd been sold to Terra Omega. I'd never missed a day except for one, just after Cunningham Fields when I'd been too badly injured to exercise. I was determined the same wouldn't happen today. It wasn't going to be easy, though. My body throbbed, pain and stiffness making me bite back a groan. Our ability to access rift energy made Terra Omega operatives fast healers, and none could heal faster than an Alpha. I was experienced enough that I could even avoid most scars. But right now, with no access to a rift emitter, even I clearly needed more time.

     The globe thing at the ceiling was dark. I had no idea how to light it. The light in Zeke's cave was diffuse and dim, reflected down from somewhere above, barely enough to see by. I could see enough to determine that my leg was healing when I peeked under the bandage, but it still refused to cooperate fully. I could stand on it now, gimp around a little. That was it. Walking long distances was out of the question. The gash on my abdomen was similar but far more worrisome. While Zeke had actually done a fine job with the stitching, the tissue around it was swollen. Ominous dark yellow drainage stained the dressing. In the faint light, I could make out the irritated red tissue that surrounded it for an inch or two all around its perimeter. I was also fairly certain that I had a fever. Not good.

     I managed to complete my usual allotment of push-ups, but my arms were shaking by the time I finished. My body had been weakened. I knew I was running a fever now. This was a problem I couldn't ignore. I accessed my portal, pulled out my medical kit, and quickly injected myself with antibiotics. Then I changed my dressings and took some fever reducers. Best I could do for now. Once I got back today, Ashley would patch me up and toss me under the emitters to finish healing. That was, of course, assuming that Zeke took me back today. The idea that he might refuse was troubling. If he chose to keep me here longer, it was painfully clear there was little to nothing I could do about it. At this point, I knew I likely wasn't physically capable of getting back on my own. Somehow, I had to convince him to let me go.

     I had been keeping an eye on Zeke since I woke up. The creeper was apparently a fairly sound sleeper, although, in his defense, I knew how to move quietly even with my injuries. The most he'd stirred was when I'd opened my portal. Naturally, he could sense the rift energy. But I preferred him asleep and moved fast, quickly sealing my portal after I'd snagged my medical kit. Now, though, I wished I'd pulled a ration bar as well. My stomach was grumbling. I'd set my kit aside along with my trash and didn't pull a bar just yet. Instead, I got unsteadily to my feet. There was some sort of long metal pole, probably a fire poker, near the fire pit that I grabbed. It would serve as both a crutch and, in case Zeke tried to pull any more shit with me, a suitable club. I was going home today, one way or another. That son of a bitch was taking me back, even if I had to beat him to a pulp to make him do it.

     For now, though, Zeke slept on. He was topless, lying on his stomach with his arms up near his head and his face toward me. A fur covered him from just below his wings to halfway down his thighs. When I'd been fighting with him last night, I hadn't realized he'd been topless. Now I had no idea what, if anything, was beneath the fur. I couldn't deny that I liked what I saw. His feet were just as taloned and scaly as his hands, with the scales traveling to partway up his calves. But his legs were strong and well-muscled. He had nearly as many scars as I did, signs of past battles. Some of them, especially one I saw on his calf, looked like they were fairly severe injuries. His hands, feet, and the wings that were folded over his back were clear proof he wasn't human, but with his glowing eyes closed in slumber, Zeke really was a beautiful man. Granted, I had every intention of messing his pretty face up if that's what it took to make him take me home, but for now, I was able to simply get an eyeful. Nothing wrong with that as I went about my business.

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