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     The new Exterminators were both men. Our temporary heavy munitions specialist was a tall, muscular black man named Oliver Washington. Our new coms operator was a short, somewhat scrawny blonde guy with watery grey eyes and thick glasses. He took one look at Zeke and nearly fell over himself to scramble up and shake his hand. "Ezekiel the Pilgrim, it's an honor!" he exclaimed. "It's more than an honor, it's, this is just amazing! You're amazing! I can't believe I'll be working with you!"

     "This is David Green," Matthews called, rolling his eyes. "Apparently, he's the best available coms operator."

     "They actually took me from another squad for you," Green announced proudly. He was still pumping Zeke's hand. "I'm up to date in all the latest research on the rift users, especially you, Pilgrim. And, of course, I've made an extensive study of Terra Omega operatives in general and J Alpha in particular."

     "I am afraid that I will need my hand returned," Zeke said pleasantly.

     Green's mouth dropped open into a wide O of dismay. He pulled his hand back as if burned. "Oh! I'm so sorry!"

     "Quite alright," Zeke said. He reached over to reclaim my hand.

     Green blinked. "Oh! Um, I wasn't aware that you were involved with J Alpha. I mean, he doesn't usually..."

     "She," Matthews corrected.

     "She?!" The man who had just bragged about having made an extensive study of me stared at me in complete shock. Apparently, there was one aspect of my biography that he hadn't heard yet.

     "Hot damn!" Washington whooped. "That means, except for the three of us and the Pilgrim, this really is an all-female squad?" Washington was coming over. The big man loomed over me as he gave me the once-over. "Nice! I didn't even know they had female Terra Omega operatives."

     "As far as I know, I'm the only one." I extended my hand. "Terra Omega Operative J of Alpha Group."

     "Oh, I know who you are, believe me." He was smiling at me in a way that immediately irritated me as he shook my hand. "Looks like you and I will be spending a lot of time together."

     "At least until Miller's back on her feet," I reminded.

     He raised his hands. "Happy to be a part of the team while I'm here. And who knows? Maybe the brass will decide you need two of us? After all, you kind of have two Terra Omega operatives when you think about it."

     "Ezekiel the Pilgrim can handle himself without a heavy munitions backing," Green corrected. "Of course, so can J Alpha, but they're both better with a team behind them. But now that I think about it, you may be right." His face was suddenly serious. "These new rift users, I understand they were almost a match for you, Pilgrim?"

     "They are called 'Enhanced,' and yes, they were," Zeke admitted. "More than a match, to be honest. Had I not been backed up by the Exterminators, it is likely I would not have survived."

     "Really?" Green's face went suddenly pale. "They're so tough they almost beat you?"

     "They're the same damned thing he is," Matthews spat. "And there were three of them. Of course he was in trouble. If we hadn't been there, Zeke would have been torn apart."

     "Do we know why they came through?" Green's eyes were locked on Zeke. "Did they follow you?"

     "Yeah, they did, but only because the stupid son of a bitch dragged J through, and they came after her," Matthews told them. "That's what we all need to talk about. Because since Zeke decided to take it upon himself to ask the brass for J, and they naturally decided to give her to him? She's stuck with him. And if Zeke's being sent up against the other Enhanced, that means J is going to be right up there with him. We may as well send her out there with a big bow around her neck and a sign that says 'Please abduct me!'"

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