𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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asia woke up in her bed after sleeping through her alarm
meaning she was indeed late as hell for school as usual, she reached over and grabbed her phone and her eyes widened at the time "shit!" she cursed out as she jumped up and ran to her bathroom as she began doing her hygiene stuff as quick as possible minus showering because she took one when got back from vereena's the night before

she walked back into her room and grabbed the first thing she saw which was a black skims bodysuit with lace at the top, she put it on before she quickly glued her lashes on as she lined her lips and put gloss on them

she put her black fluffy platform slides on and shoved her macbook into her tote bag before grabbing her phone and amiri's keys as she rushed downstairs and into the garage, she quickly got in his car before starting it, speeding off to chino hills

unlike melo who was already at school and was currently sitting in 2nd period where they had class together. 30 minutes in and he saw her walk in with coffee as she handed the teacher her late slip. all eyes followed her as she walked to the back of the class and sat next to him and he looked over at her 

he looked her up and down before his eyes stopped at her chest and he bit his lip, he figured out why people were staring at her. her nipple rings were showing through her very thin bodysuit which she had nothing on underneath

she placed her coffee down on the desk and pulled out her makeup bag as she began adding highlighter to her face with melo still staring at her chest, she finally noticed and smirked "you a fucking perv" she joked and he laughed as he put his hands up in defense "you the one who decided to come up in her with barely anything on, not my fault yo nipples hard" he teased and she rolled her eyes playfully as she pulled two curly pieces from her ponytail to frame her face

"yo hair look cute" he stated referring to her curly wig which was pulled up into a ponytail at the top of her head with a black scarf wrapped around it and she smiled "aww thanks pook, it look like my real hair don't it?" she joked and they both laughed at her response before she put her makeup bag away and took a sip of her frappe

"if you can't break bread you fak-" melo started before asia sucked her teeth and slid the drink to him "here you fatass hoe" she said irritated and he smiled as he took a sip of her drink before replying

"only thing fat here is yo ass, its so fat not even yo bodysuit could cover it" he taunted and her mouth opened in shock "you lying? my ass out?" she asked concerned and he laughed "nah, not really i'm just playing. like it's poking out from the bottom but it's always like that when you got on shorts" he reassured her and she let out a sigh of relief

"oh alright coo, anyways what i miss?" she asked him and he shrugged "not much, she pretty much just going over the same shit from last time" he explained to her as he took another sip of her drink

"damn, that's boring but when is this class not so" she stated and he nodded in agreement as asia pulled out of her phone and went onto instagram. she took a picture of the two and posted it to her story before answering her dms

melo being nosey, leaned over and looked at her phone. scrunching his face up at the messages she had from thirsty niggas in her requests. asia noticed his face and laughed "bruh i be making that same face at they lame ass messages, like get the fuck on somewhere" she said to him as he laid his head on her shoulder

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 (𝐯𝐨𝐥.𝟏) →  lamelo ballWhere stories live. Discover now