𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲

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asia had woken up in melo's room
she was laid against his chest with nothing on, she carefully removed melo's arm from around her trying not to wake him as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. she looked down at his floor where she saw her outfit was and the events from last night came flooding back into her memory

she got up from his bed and began putting her underwear back on when she caught a glimpse of herself in his full length mirror, she looked at the marks he left on her skin and how they had already bruised up

she bit her lip at the memory of him leaving them before shaking her head trying to stop thinking about it as she put her shirt back on, but all her movement woke melo up

he had felt that she wasn't in bed with him anymore and sat up where he saw her putting her clothes back on, "damn you leaving already?" he mumbled out and she laughed slightly "i mean yea, ain't that what fuck buddies do? fuck and duck?" she joked which made him roll his eyes

"i'm kidding" she said as she walked back over to bed and sat down propped up on her knees next to him as she leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips

"you got them fatass lips" she teased before she felt a harsh slap on her ass which cause her to yelp and melo laughed "oww you slenderman built bitch!" she called out as she felt a stinging sensation on her left cheek 

"i bet you'll act right now" he taunted as he kissed her again before she wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her onto his lap, as he reached down and grabbed her ass which made her moan into the kiss

melo pulled away and looked at her "soo we fucked" he pointed out and asia nodded her head "yea we did, but uh i feel like maybe we should keep this on the low. just so nobody think it's sum serious between us" she suggested and melo's eyes trailed off somewhere in his room 

"oh, i mean ight i guess" he mumbled feeling kinda sad, he didn't understand why she thought they should keep it on the low. he understood she didn't wanna make it seem like they were something they weren't but also he knew and everyone else knew it was bound to happen at some point so it just didn't make sense to him

asia grabbed his face making him look at her as she looked at his sad expression "why you look sad pookie?" she asked concerned and he just shrugged "i'm straight asia" he lied and she rolled her eyes "i know you lying, if it's about what i said i just it's for the best. ion want people thinking it's something it's not, i mean if we just fucking some people might think we together and neither of us want that right?" she asked and he just hummed in response

she smacked her lips "boy, if yo hoes think you with me they gon stop fucking with you. you want that to happen? for yo whole lil roster to disappear?" she questioned and he just shrugged 
"ion really care if they do or don't" he replied nonchalantly 

"whatever lil boy, anyways i gotta go so i can get ready to leave with stass and monie. so i love you, imma text you when i get to the crib ight?" she suggested and he nodded "love you too" he mumbled out as the two shared a quick kiss and asia got off his lap as she grabbed her shorts from his floor and slid them up her legs before putting her shoes on

she grabbed a black hoodie off of his floor and put that on over her outfit to hide the hickies he gave her as she walked back over to his bed and grabbed her phone off his nightstand before walking out of his room

she walked down the hall and passed by zo who stopped her "wassup lil sis?" he asked with a sly smirk having a feeling he knew exactly why asia was leaving melo's room this early in the morning 

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 (𝐯𝐨𝐥.𝟏) →  lamelo ballWhere stories live. Discover now