𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲

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it had been a couple of weeks
since asia and melo decided to finally pursue a real relationship with each other and things were going great, no petty arguments, no trying to make each other jealous, none of that, just pure and utter bliss. the two were currently in the honeymoon phase, where melo prayed they would stay there but asia knew it inevitable for something to happen to shift them out of it

she was right, as spring break was approaching and originally asia was supposed to go down to miami, where she would spend break with vonte. however, given the current state of her and melo's relationship, she didn't know if she should

melo didn't want her too, especially knowing the history between her and vonte. the two were finally in a good place where he felt they were actually on track to being in a real relationship, and he thought that if she went down there and did what she wanted with vonte, she might come home and decide that she doesn't want one anymore and how she enjoys being single

asia wasn't thinking like that though, she had already talked to vonte and he had told her they didn't have to do anything when she comes down there. they could just chill and hangout, plus she was never going alone in the first place. monie, stassie, amina, javon, leyksi, meech and her brother were all coming with her, in fact javon and leyski had already flown to miami 2 days ago

she sighed as she looked at her half packed suitcase, frustrated on not knowing what to do. she wanted to go down to miami and have fun with her friends, plus the trip is already paid for so she feels like it would be a waste of money if she didn't go

she groaned as she leaned her back against her headboard "fuck it, i'll just talk to him about it tomorrow during stat" she mumbled to herself before picking up her phone from off her nightstand and checking the time "11:14 pm" she read and her eyes widened slightly at how long she had been packing

"damn, it's kinda late" she thought as she placed her phone back down and pulled herself up from her bed so she could drag her suitcase off of her bed. she dragged it over to the end of her dresser before going back over to her bed. she pulled back her duvet and got under it, getting comfortable before closing her eyes and falling asleep 

she slept peacefully for a good 2 hours until her phone started blowing up, causing her to groan and bury her head in her pillow trying to drown out the sound of the ringing from her phone until it got too much for her, and she reached over grabbing her phone. picking her head and looking at it, seeing multiple different calls from different people, the one grabbing her attention the most though is seeing the one from her brother 

she clicked the missed call and waited for him pick up, which after 3 rings it did. she put the phone on speaker and waited for a second to see if amiri would speak first, before just shrugging and mumbling "hello?" into the phone

"aye lil sis, slight change of plans. we leaving in a couple hours instead of on thursday cus of the weather, it's gon be hella storms all day that day. so it was either we go today or not go at all and i don't know if you made your mind up but you got 2 hours before we leaving to go the airport kid to figure it out, cus it's now or never kid" he informed her and her mouth opened slightly and her eyes widened in shock at the news

"shit, okay, yea imma go to miami with y'all. guess melo's just gonna have to be pissed at me" she replied, mumbling the last part. she didn't feel like fighting or arguing with melo about her going to miami with her friends to see vonte, she just wanted to relax and have fun. this was her second to last month before she was done with highschool, so all she wanted to do now was make memories with the people she loves most

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 (𝐯𝐨𝐥.𝟏) →  lamelo ballWhere stories live. Discover now