𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬.

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melo was currently on his way home from practice
when he got a text from his ex, ashley. which was shocking to him considering they hadn't talked since he got her handled by asia at jalen's party 2 and a half months ago

he scrunched his face up seeing her name pop up across his screen for a second time before rolling his eyes and opening her messages as he pulled into his garage. he turned the car off but stayed sitting in it as he read her messages with an irritated expression rested on his face


thotbox 👎🏼

thotbox 👎🏼
hey melo,
can we talk?

melo 🖤
about?? 🤨
u cheated, soooo tf is there to discuss?

thotbox 👎🏼
can u just call me?

melo 🖤
u lucky i'm inna ight mood
so i'll think abt it 🤷🏼

thotbox 👎🏼
- read



melo just shook his head at the message
as he stared at his phone, still sitting in his car now slightly irritated that ashley even had the audacity to try and talk to him again knowing she cheated on him and got her ass beat for it. "shordy need move the fuck on" he thought to himself while rereading the messages

meanwhile asia was currently sitting in a holding cell in the chino hills county police station. she had gotten into a fight a couple hours earlier with some girl from her school named brianna, and the whole argument was over melo

she doesn't fight over boys, she never has, the only reason she even fought the girl was because when she tried to walk away, brianna yelled out "and that's exactly why melo's gonna leave you, just like your dad did" causing asia to immediately black out and all hopes of her ever being the bigger person were dismissed, as she had now felt disrespected on a personal level

she pretty much jumped on brianna, repeatedly bashing her face in, to the point where she broke her nose and dislocated her jaw. however she was pulled off of her by security before she could do anymore severe damage and they were both sent to the principles office

brianna's parents were called, and asia's brother amiri was called as he was the first one listed under her emergency contacts however he didn't answer as he and vonte were currently out on a job. so only brianna's parents came up to the school, and when they did get there, they said that they wanted to press charges against asia for aggravated assault, which led to her getting arrested 10 minutes after

which brings us to where she is now, sitting in the cell trying to think of who she could call to come get her, because after asia was arrested and brought to the station. their principle talked brianna's parents out of pressing charges as he had been informed by the guidance counselor that brianna had been the one who started the situation after reviewing the security cameras

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 (𝐯𝐨𝐥.𝟏) →  lamelo ballWhere stories live. Discover now