Club Break

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(Author's Note: Much love for reading so far!!! Tell me if I've done Batman dirty, I feel like my version of him doesn't feel like his character at all :(


Bruce's POV:

You looked out the window towards the gentlemen's club across the street.

A blonde haired woman smirked and waved over at you from a room where she lap danced on an old man.

You took your sight away and looked around the streets in thought.

A knock at the door interrupted you.

"Come in."

"Bruce, you've gotta get out of here. I haven't seen more than a glimpse of you in the past three days."

"Al, I know what I'm doing. I've just been busy."

The LED lights from across the street lit up finally. They brightly bled in shades of pink and purple into the office through the window, and onto your face. It revealed nasty bruising and cuts around your mouth.

"I can see that. Are you sure you can take all this? It would do you good to get out there. Man to man, I know what it's like to get in your head. It consumes you, boy."

"Im fine, Al." You spoke through a busted pair of lips.

"Close up the shoppe. I need some sleep, got a big project tomorrow. Give ya a nice cut if I can get a hand."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Night."

"Night kiddo"

When he left you opened the window to be greeted by the musk of a Gotham night. Nothing refreshing in your shallow breaths.

The radio hissed as you fiddled with the knobs and the white noise turned to voices of policemen.

Glass broke in the window from which the blonde waved. She was pinned up to the new entrance forcefully, screaming and kicking at a fat old man.

You didn't bother suiting up, instead opting for a loose disguise. You jumped from the window and rolled onto your feet to throw a dagger at the man.

Up close now you could see it wasn't a woman, but a girl. The blade grazed her shoulder before stabbing into the pedo's chest.

He yanked it out from his body in a panic, bleeding onto the falling girl. You reached out to catch her but she uppercut you and escaped your grasp.

"What the hell dude? You fucking cut me? Do you realize how big of a damn scar that's gonna leave? My skin was smooth all over, asshole!"

"Well, he was gonna drop you head first onto the road. Crushed skull or shallow cut?"

She lunged at you with her leg out as if to kick you when the front door of the place flew open. She missed and fell, skinning her knees.

"What the hell is going on here?! Who the fuck are you? Leave my bitches alone!"

The girl cried and crawled up to the man. She clung onto him and pled.

"He hurt me! He cut me! Im bleeding, look! I can't work like this, please! Get him!" She yelled out and the man became angry.

"ENOUGH. Get the twins out here, Dante!"

Two identical men with guns ran out and the owner went inside with the girl attached at his side.

A slender woman followed after the armed twins. She was clad head to toe in a black latex bodysuit.

Her red lipstick contrasted against her green eyes that poked out from holes cut into her mask.

"You touch her?"


"Fucking liar."

She kicked the two men's guns away and ordered them inside.

"Don't bring a gun to a fist fight, gentlemen."

She licked her lips and jumped at you.

Batman X Reader Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now