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  Chapter 193 Everyone in Jiangnan!

   After a while, the men drank up two catties of strong foreign wine, and the women also drank more than half a bottle each.

  Drinking so much alcohol, they couldn't stand still when they were drinking, but they all fell to the ground, their faces turned blue, and they looked as if they were seriously ill.

  Especially Zhang Hong, he doesn't seem to be able to drink well.

   Seeing this scene, everyone gasped and looked at Chen Yun with awe.

   At this moment, Chen Yun picked up a bottle of strong foreign wine on the ground, which Wu Yu used to attack him just now.

  He opened the bottle, knelt down and poured it into the mouth of Wu Yu who had fainted, and said while pouring, "Don't think that you don't need to drink because you fainted."

  Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

  They already thought that Chen Yun was cruel enough, but this time, Chen Yun's ferocity once again refreshed their cognition.

  However, Chen Yun didn't care about other people's eyes at all. Even if he killed all these people, he didn't think it was too much.

  This kind of second generation who bullies others, keeping them alive will only harm more people.

  Chen Yun taught them an unforgettable lesson this time, and they will definitely restrain themselves in the future.

  So, in fact, Chen Yun is making a contribution to society.

  Wu Yu woke up from choking when the wine was half full, but Chen Yun pressed his head to keep him from moving, and insisted on finishing the whole bottle of strong foreign wine.

   After the pouring, Wu Yu was paralyzed.

  After finishing all this, Chen Yun was like a normal person, as if he had just had a quiet meal.

  He raised his hand to beckon the manager of the lobby, then pointed to the men and women who fell on the ground, and said calmly: "Send them to the hospital. A kind and law-abiding citizen like me can't see such a scene."

  You are kind, are you a citizen?

   According to you, all of us are philanthropists?

  Hearing Chen Yun's words, everyone was slandered.

  Even Lu Jun flattened his mouth, he is the person here who knows what Chen Yun is doing the most, his face is black now, Chen Yun, this is a lie without blushing.

  The lobby manager nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, I'll send them to the hospital right away."

  The people watching from the side looked at the scene in front of them, and they all felt a dull feeling. This young man is too ruthless!


  He is like a malevolent star, even the young master of the Lu family dare not touch him.

  Lv Jun looked at Chen Yun in front of him, and smiled wryly, "Brother Yun, it looks like you didn't eat much at lunch, okay, let's go upstairs and have another meal."

  Since he finished investigating Chen Yun's ability, his understanding of Chen Yun has risen to a higher level again, even making him equal to or even better than the Patriarch of those in Jiangbei.

  Chen Yun nodded, and the two headed upstairs, and Lu Jun directly served the best food and drinks in the clubhouse.

   After all, what kind of food and wine should be used to entertain what kind of people.

First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins  (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now