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pip was walking through school shyly because he had no friends and wax depresd because his parents DIED. as he walked through the hallways, he ran into his hot bully damien thorn. 

as he tucked his hair behind his ear he noticed damien was yelling at someone. "damien, this isn't you!!!" he said, twiddling his thumbs because he was nervous. as damien turned his head he noticed pips sparkling blue orbs. 

too flustered to say anything, damien turned pip into a firework and stomped off. pip cried because of his depreshon. he ran to class and cried the WHOLE time. 

cartman started to bully frenchie, but was quickly turned to ashes and pip saw through his tears... damien?! he couldn't believe it. "don't talk to my kitten like that ever again" 

"th-thank you, damien..." pip said through tears. "anything for my pookie-bear.." said damien. they started making out in the middle of class. 

pip couldn't believe he was making out with the alpha and head of the football team of the school. he was so nervous! what if he messed up? "why are you shaking?" he heard damien reply in alpha voice. 

 he looked at damien with his blue orbs. "i'm just n-n-nervous... no one has ever loved me..." damien then growled. "only i can love you..." 

pip meowed before crying even more because we was so deprosiseon. his absolute dog of a bully then said that he only dates gamer girls but he will make an exception just this once. pip noticed thought damien was such a chad for this.

"d-d-damien... i have a secret..." pip muttered, "my sister sold me to one direction... i'll be on tour... i can't be with you..." then, surprisingly, damien said, "i have a secret too... im harry stoyles... i turn into him whenever there's a full moon..." 

pip starred at damien, baffled. mr garrison yelled at them to get back to paying attention but damien killed everyone in the room sexily with his half demon half wolf powers. "h-h-h-harry.. styles..?" pip said cutely. "i turn british then too..." the hot demon alpha bully chad said back handsomely 

 "oh..." pip mumbled shyly "I have another secret... whenever i touch water... i turn into a taylor swift mermaid..."

"im king of the fire wolves." damien said (with rizz). "and i have a dark side 👿 don't make daddy angry, kitten"

 "meet me at midnight... so we can see each other in our true forms" pip whispered. he then pranced away, blushing.

damien howled before walking away chadly.

the end 😺😺😸😸😸

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