Chapter 12

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"So you're saying Master doesn't have a body anymore?" Ao Lie asked, walking beside His Granddaughter who can't seem to let go of his Sleeves

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"So you're saying Master doesn't have a body anymore?" Ao Lie asked, walking beside His Granddaughter who can't seem to let go of his Sleeves. "Well it's kinda complicated" Sandy Scratched his Head, eyes looking back to pigsy "Well yeah he doesn't have his body anymore and he just kinda floats" he Shrugged, remembering the times the monk would walk pass walls, Pop out his head behind the bathroom doors and accidentally Finding people taking a dump or He's just floating up the ceiling sleeping or Just Zoning out.

"But he looks alive to me right now"

He said, pointing to his master and then touching his Face "Long Ma Not my face please" He Chuckled but The Dragon only Tilted his head and Squished the Monks Cheeks "we don't know too but maybe it's the scroll" Mei nodded and Tripitaka kinda agree to that too. He's just. Floating ya know? But the scroll having the power to create a whole world that looks exactly the real one?.It must be it and that's why he looks Just like the old days.

"Aren't you....scared Master?"

"Eh. I'm used to it"

He Grinned, and Ao Lie Sweatdropped. "Anyways Putting aside your Shenanigans. We need to keep on going" the monk Beamed, and Ao Lie stopped on poking the monk right on his Cheeks "so were just gonna go straight?" Pigsy Deadpanned, the monk simply smiling "Well I'm kinda tired running around so we'll just walk. Maybe then you get to see what you really wanna see when you're in a Cicada Teleportation" Tripitaka Grinned, following the monk behind Mei could hear the sound of sands. And a soft ring As if following the Monks Steps, sands of gold Circled around them and Dragged them down.

Mei yelped, but a hand Held her still. She glanced up only to see her grandfather.

"woah...I've never saw you draw your power to-"

"To its Potential?"

Tripitaka Chuckled, Glancing beside Him. Ao Lie nodded " are you exactly Master?" He asked, but the Monk stayed silent. Ao their Journey he only sees the great Monk use his power to draw sheilds or seal some demons and heal people. But he never saw this " haven't seen what The Golden Cicada Can really do in times of dire" The Monk mumbled, making Mei Frown. "But anyways, you dears stay close to me and follow okay? You may be in a Cicada Teleportation right now but you still are prone to getting seperated or lost" He smiled, Hearing this pigsy and Tang did not hesitate to stick close to Sandy and the blue Giant Standing Beside Mei and Ao Lie.

"What a strange child you are...."

"Perhaps this explains alot as to why the master takes interest on you"

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