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There was currently a company event going on. Basically everyone int he company was there, probably unwillingly.

Jake was running late, but other than that just about everyone was there.

Vendi and Ivy were just talking about work related things, well Ivy was. Vendi wasn't paying attention.

"Are you done staring at Bryan yet?" Ivy questioned, she honestly wasn't surpsied by this. Vendi has always obsessed over Bryan.

He didn't respond. "I'm gonna take that as a no then." The purple haired girl then quickly glanced over at the brunette. He was talking to his brother, Dylan.

But right after that she looked back at Vendi. She tapped on his shoulder with made him snap back into reality and look back over at her. "What?" He's asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"I'll be right back." Ivy stated, and then she proceeded to walk over to Bryan and bring him over to Vendi.

Bryan was clearly confused on what was going on. "Is something wrong?" He questioned.

"No, its just that your boyfriend over here has been staring at you for the past 15 minutes and I decided to bring you to him." She said.

They all stayed quiet after that, and then Ivy went to probably go talk to Dylan. Leaving the two of them alone.

Vendi and Bryan barely ever spent time alone together due to them both being busy with work.

And Vendi wanted to enjoy the time he got to spend alone with Bryan.

He grabbed Bryan's hand and then took him to an office away from everyone else.

The shorter man gave his taller boyfriend a confused look.

But he didn't say anything, Vendi just pulled Bryan closer to him and hugged him. Bryan was caught by surprise, but then he returned the hug.

Short Vendi x Bryan ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now