Lost control

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Bryan's entire body was trembling, he had lost control of his portal powers again. He was crying as well, and he kept frantically apologizing to Vendi.

Vendi gently grabbed Bryan's hands, sliding his red gloves off. Bryan began to tremble even more. He didn't want to pose control again. Bryan's hands were covered in scars and bruises. Which made Vendi feel even more sympathy for the brunette.

"P-Please don't touch me...I don't want to hurt you.." Bryan mumbled softly, his voice sounded broken and hurt.

The taller blonde gave him a worried expression, he didn't let go of his hands. He actually held them a bit tighter, but his touch was still gentle and loving.

"It'll be fine" Vendi said in a gentle tone. "Don't worry sweetheart, I got you."

He pulled Bryan into his arms. He was pretty much holding him at this point. But Vendi didn't mind at all, he enjoyed having Bryan in his arms and vulnerable. Not in a weird way of course, he just enjoyed being able to comfort Bryan and make him feel safe and loved. He loved Bryan.

He gently ran his fingers through Bryan's soft brown hair, as a way to comfort him.

Bryan was still softly crying. And he kept apologizing for losing control again.

"Don't apologize, you're fine my angel. You can't control it, it's not your fault. You're overworked and stressed, you should probably take a break Bryan." He stated. He made it clear that Bryan didn't have a choice.

Bryan didn't say anything after that, he just simply nodded in responded. And Vendi smiled a bit, still holding Bryan in his arms.

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