Chapter 1

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3rd person POV
Ouma lived in a small part of Japan in an orphanage for all his childhood, so the moment the opportunity to leave and attend Hopes Peak Academy at 15 his freshman year he didn't think twice before packing his belongings and traveling alone across Japan by bus. Of course he was nervous I mean who wouldn't be? New place, new school, and new people, he hoped it would go well.

Momota lived with his grad parents ever since he could remember, he when to the same grade school with the same people and same surroundings he loved it that way so he was naturally hesitant to go to a different high school than his peers, but he was invited to the best school in Japan and couldn't say no. Over all he was excited to make new friends.

Kokichis POV

Here it was hopes peak academy, school for gifted juveniles. I'd been dreading going in here the second I stepped of the bus. But here I was walking through the gates avoiding peoples annoying eyes. Don't get me wrong I'm stoked that I'm out of that annoying crusty orphanage, but change was annoying to, in fact everything was annoying. People, places, noice, boredom, and-... you know what i'll stop there, the point is everything is annoying and I hate everything and everyone, simple.

As I walked though the doors it hit me how huge this place actually was. But before I could take it all in an annoying woman behind a table without looking up asked my name and grade, sounding more tired than she looked. "Umm Kokichi Ouma, and I'm a freshm-" before I could finish she shoved a piece of paper in to my hand before moving on to the next person.

I looked down at what I assumed to be my schedule reading my what my first class was gonna be. "Fucking fuck!" I whisper yelled at the paper as my first class was seemingly math, I wasn't good at math but I wasn't bad either I just had to pay attention, which was going to be hard because it stared at 8 in the fucking morning. Annoying.

     As I wondered through the halls looking for my math class my eyes landed on a tall boy with maroon hair, he looked... annoying. He was talking to a group of other kids, one with long blonde hair and the other with short navy hair, that one looked a bit less annoying I guess. I assumed they were going to be my new class mates as they were in the freshman hall.

As I turned to continue to my class the tall purple one called out to me "hey kid you lost?" He said, I was about to explain how I what looking for my class before he cut me off saying the most annoying sentence I had ever heard. "The elementary school is down the street." He continued. This would be fine if he was making fun of me which I could take as I've accepted the fact that I'm shorter and skinnier than most guys, but he was completely sincere, he genuinely thought I was an elementary student.

   "Are you an idiot" I clashed back a bit nervously "we're the same fucking age!" He was shocked at that. "Umm I'm sorry" he said "you should be!" I said as the blonde one giggled in the background. "Anyways" he trailed of. "I'm Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars" he introduced proudly. "Ouma" I stated harshly before continuing down the hall faster than last time.

Kaitos POV

     "Shit" I whispered to my new found friends, "what's up his ass today?" I said I bit louder. "Can you blame him?" Akamatsu-Chan said with a slight laugh "you legit accused the dude as being an elementary student" Saihara-Chan finished. "It's not my fault!" I protest "I only saw him from behind!" I said defensively. "I mean he was really small" Akamatsu said agreeing with Kaito. "Your right" Shuichi said before the bell rang and they all started to head to class.

     I smiled as I found out my friends and I had the same first period, math. We all sped walked through the hall as we were late finally arriving in our destination. I walked in behind my sidekick looking around the room, everyone was all ready there and the teacher didn't look amused.

I muttered a quick apology before heading to a vacant seat. I looked around me to see a large boy with green hair playing with an ant on his desk on my left, and no other than the small kid, Ouma on my right giving me a half annoyed half bored look. "Hiiii" I said feeling the awkward tension. The small kid looked nervous for a second before narrowing his eyes and laying his head on his desk.

Kokichi's POV

   Oh my Autua I hated talking to people. Space idiot had sat right next to me. how annoying! After looking over all the people in my class I ultimately decided that they all were annoying and didn't want to talk to me, hopefully.

    I snapped out of my trance as the teacher rambled on about rules and expectations, all annoying and boring. Deciding I had nothing better to do I opened my backpack and pulled out my sketchbook, beginning to doodle little pictures.

I had just finished a drawing of the least annoying people in the world, D.I.C.E before the girl in front of me leaned back looking at my artwork. After staring for a second the white haired girl opened her mouth "Angie and Autua certainly love your drawing!" She said halfway whispering to where the teacher couldn't here. "Thanks" I whispered back before she turned back around focusing her attention back on the teacher.

3rd person POV

  As class ended all the students got up heading to there next class if the day. Kokichi and Kaito both had different feelings about this place, but both seemingly couldn't get the other boy out of their head. This year was gonna be weird.

(1025 words, 15 paragraphs)

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