I won't let you break either.

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now let's start the story without any chit chat

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now let's start the story without any chit chat...

Miang Tao soon brought herbs for Li susu from the forest below the mountain.When he quickly returned to his house with the herbs, he saw that she was suffering from pain,and yet half of her leg was blue from the effects of the poison.

Miang Tao was feeling very bad seeing Li susu suffering like this and now he was getting angry with himself, because Why didn't he go when Li Susu asked him to bring dry wood from the forest?If he had gone, then thorn in Li susu's leg would not have pricked at all, and if the thorn had not pricked,so she would not have been in so much pain.

But now there was no time left to think about all this, what had happened could not be changed.

He quickly ran towards her. At that time Li susu was lying on the bed of his house with her head resting on the headrest and Tantai Jiang was sleeping beside her.He went to her and sat down and held her hand with his own and said..

Miang Tao: now, I have come please.. don't worry.yes, everything will be fine.

Li susu saw that her hand was in his hands.She liked it And she put her other hand on miang Tao's hand and said...

Li susu: I know.. but,but now I can't bear this pain anymore..really please do something fast.

By now tears had started coming out of Li susu's eyes, she was crying continuously.

Miang Tao wiped her tears and held her hand tightly and said,

Miang Tao:this morning you told me about yourself and your past, didn't you?You told me how bravely and courageously you handled everything in your past, what is this thing when you bear all this... This poison cannot harm you, you have to have courage and take care of yourself.got it...have courage....please.

Li susu calmed down a bit after listening to Rohit and said with courage..

Li susu: hmmm you are right I can't break like this I have suffered a lot in my life but I have the courage to bear it all also.

He looked into Li susu's eyes and said:, absolutely you can't break (and then stopped for a while and said) I won't let you break either.

Li susu looks into miang Tao's eyes as soon as he says this, but Miang tao turns his eyes away from her and speaks without looking at her:

Miang Tao:You wait, I will bring you a decoction of those herbs and yes, don't cry now.and yes remember...you have to suffer decoction 's side effects okay...

Then he frees his hand from Li Susu's hand and goes away.

She sees Miang Tao leaving and said...

Li susu:how can I assume that you don't remember anything haa...how?And if you really don't remember anything and if, to remind you of everything, to make you mine forever, Even if I have to bear this pain, I am ready to bear this pain thousands of times too.

Miang Tao made decoction for Li susu and she takes the decoction from his hands and starts drinking it slowly.

He sees her drinking the decoction and says...

Miang Tao: miss susu,look, I told you earlier also that this decoction has side effects.After a while of drinking this decoction you will feel heavy in your head and after some time you will also have a very high fever.Because the poison that has gone inside your body will gradually come out of your body through fever.and yes, you have to bear the fever and you have to stay away from tantai Jiang.....okey?

Li susu said while drinking the decoction..

Li susu:, you have told me many times before in this topic....And if I want to get rid of this poison from my body, then I have to bear something, as they say, "you have to lose something to gain something." So I have to go through this pain to get the poison out of my Body.

Saying this, she finishes the entire decoction and miang Tao said to her...

Miang Tao: Yeah absolutely.... You have to be strong and also have courage just like this.

Miang tao takes the utensils from her hand and goes to keep them. When he comes back, he sees that tantai Jiang is also slowly waking up.He sees that jiang is moving towards Li susu, but Li susu was not aware of this as she was sitting with her eyes closed.She was about to get up Li susu but suddenly.... Miang Tao grabs her from behind and lifts her in his arms.

Such a sudden moment scares even Tantai jiang for a while and she screams.

Hearing her scream, Li susu wakes up and looks in front of her, she sees that jiang is in Miang Tao's arm, seeing this makes her happy,and for a while she also forgets her pain.

Jiang also calms down seeing miang Tao in front of her and then she looks at Li susu and says...

Tantai jiang:mother.... you have woken up, I was scared as to what had happened to you.

Before Li susu could say anything, he said...

Miang Tao:no baby, nothing has happened to your mother, she is absolutely fine and you too must be feeling hungry, right?

Li susu looks at miang Tao. He asks to Jiang again..

Miang Tao :tell baby are you feeling hungry or not.

Tantai jiang: yes uncle, I am starting.

He does not like hearing "uncle" for himself from her mouth and makes a fist of his hands.

Li susu sees that something has happened to him because of tantai Jiang's words, but she cannot understand what happened to him actually.

Miang Tao says to Jiang: hmmmm... you are hungry so let's cook together for you, me and your mumma.

He asks her again: child...are you willing to help me or not tell me right...

Siya says nothing but nodded her head happily and then they both went to make food for them and also Li susu was looking happy as her daughter get the love of her father after 6 yeras....


That's it for today guys I know it will not be sufficient for you but at least I tried to write this story in my busiest shedule for you so please vote this story as much as you can and also



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