22: deal with it

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Still Shadow's POV

After dropping Bree in her bed at her apartment I went to the boxing club. It was at an underground floor beneath an arcade. I had instructed one of my personal guards to follow me with Eli's blue mustang to the apartment so that it doesn't get left at school. It's not that it's not safe there but since he seems to love that car more than his friends i guess it's only safe that I consider it even in my rage.

I met with a few who were boxing here as well and we had kinda become accustomed to each other since the boys and I usually come here. I came twenty minutes early to blow off some steam. Little did I know I'm adding more coals.

I sparred with three people and they all left with bleeding noses, sprained shoulders and bruised chest and stomachs. Oops. I decided to use a punching bag to relieve me of some anger instead of the poor guys. Sorry. I threw my first punch through the middle as the bag slightly shifted due to the very muscular person that was keeping it steady. I threw my second punch. More followed. The more punches I throw the more my speed and strength reveal themselves. The guy who was helping me was starting to feel the impact of attacks as I kept on going. It was about fifteen minutes before i slowed down and took a break. I sat on a bench, expecting Eli to be here in a few minutes.

"Hey dude, you good?" Ronald asked me handing me a bottle of water. When did he even get here? I slowly nod, taking the bottle and drinking the cold liquid down my throat before asking.

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? It's a boxing club of course I came here to beat someone's ass duh" he cheekily replied. I just laughed at his antics forgetting the sole reason I came here.

"Well you came at the wrong time" I muttered under my breath before i glance at him. "Do me a favor"

He nods. "What?"

"I wanna beat Eli to a pulp" I say without hesitation. "I need you to keep everyone out. Don't let anyone stop the match. I'll stop it when I see fit".

The shock on his face is understandable, we'd never engage in this type of violence but i needed to do this. Not for me but for her. I couldn't protect her before but now I can. I can prevent anything from breaking her even more than she has already been. He just nods his head hesitantly before our attention was swooped up by Eli's looming form appeared behind the glass doors. His platinum hair giving him away. The doors automatically opened for him as he stroded through the room. His posture was high and steady. His cold gaze searched the room before his eyes locked with mine. A shiver went down my spine as i placed the empty bottle aside.

"Are you sure bout' this" Ronald questions me. I know he must have felt Eli's demeanor as well. He was in his moods again. Perfect.

"Yes" I answered truthfully. I won't let this charade carry on for long. He will beg for mercy.

"Just do what i told you"

He nods before walking away from me. I ran my fingers through my black short hair. My muscles tensed as everything sank in. I stood up from the bench after wearing my boxing gloves. I walked to Eli as he was still greeting everyone in here. Once I was infront of him he gazed at me informing me of his acknowledgment of me.

"Spar with me" that's all i said before i entered the ring. Not waiting for his reply. He knew what was to come and God I know this is going to get bloody.

He entered the ring a few moments later. He was in his black boxer shorts and shirtless. His muscles ripped everytime he made a move. His hair was pushed away from his eyes. I don't know if to intimidate me or to see my attacks. I mentally shrugged before i placed my arms infront of me as I took my stance. He too followed my movements with his hands in his boxing gloves as well.

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