Prince Charming Wears Skinny Jeans and Eyeliner

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“Adam! What can I do ya for?”

I flashed a smile to the bar keep, Monte. We had become friends over the two years I had been coming to this club. I had definitely become a regular and if I ever achieved my dream of becoming a famous singer Monte would easily be able to blackmail me. He knew all my secrets but so far he had kept them which is much appreciated.

“I’ll take a whiskey.”

He gave me that knowing glance. I never order a whiskey for my first drink unless I’ve had a particularly bad day. He got my drink and handed it to me but did not press me for any details. He knew I’d spill my guts when I was good and ready. I paid him and went on the hunt for a secluded and empty table. I found one right in the corner, it was perfect. I sat down to brood. Nothing in particular had happened to me today I was just realizing how lonely I was. I lived in Hollywood for heaven’s sake and still I somehow managed to be lonely. I was not lonely physically, I could pick any guy pretty much out of this crowd and take him home if I wanted but that was all it was, a hook up. I had yet to meet a guy who kept my attention in another way then physical attraction.


I nearly jumped outta my pants, which is pretty difficult based on how tight they are. I looked up and saw this girl screaming at someone sitting at a table. I could not see who was getting the backlash of this girl’s anger but I felt bad for whoever it was.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

The girl didn’t have the attention of the entire bar like she seemed to want. It was a gay club but many straight men and women still came here. It had the best music, boos, and people. I seemed to be the only other person in the club who was witnessing this little fight.

“I’m here with Isaac, Cheryl. I told you I was going out.”

The voice was calm and honestly, kind of sexy. I really wanted to see the person that voice belonged too. All I knew for sure is that it was a man’s voice.

“You didn’t tell me you were going to a gay bar!”

She hissed the word ‘gay’ like it was going to burn her tongue. Why was she here if she hated gay people so much? I continued to watch their little match from my table. The guy stayed perfectly calm the entire time he was getting screamed at.

“That’s it Thomas Joseph Ratliff!”

So his name was Thomas, cute.

“We are through! I’m sick of all this shit you put me through!”

The girl turned on her heel and stormed out of the club. And people think I’m a drama queen. I could not hear what the guy, Thomas, was saying anymore if anything. So I went back to my whiskey to find my glass was empty. I got up and headed to the bar. I ordered two shots while I was waiting and then pulled out my wallet to pay when someone slapped a Jackson onto the bar.

“I’ve got that.”

My jaw dropped, I knew that voice. I looked up and saw the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He literally took my breath away. The freak out must have been all in my head because my body remained calm and confident.

“Thank you.”

He smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. I looked him over as he looked me over. He was small, skinny, blonde, tattoos, piercings, in other words, my type exactly. Our eyes met again and he smirked.

“Care to find a table?”

I nodded and lead the way. I knew without even looking that he was following me. I walked back to my table because it was still secluded and quieter. I sat down and he took the seat across from me. He looked at me curiously.


He blushed; I guess I was not supposed to notice him watching me.

“Well, umm.”

He was adorable. He let the fringe of his hair fall over his deep brown eyes. I could tell he was trying to hide. Without a moment of hesitation I reached across the table and pushed the fringe back off his face. He seemed surprised but didn’t pull away. In fact, he leaned into my touch as I ran my hand through his hair. I smirked.

“Pretty kitty.”

He blushed again, oops. I didn’t mean to say that out loud but he was just so cute. He looked back up at me before leaning back into my hand. I chuckled softly. I was mesmerized by his lips when I heard a faint chuckle escape them. I ran my thumb over his bottom lip and he shuddered. I pulled my hand away and leaned back in my seat.

“So, was that your girlfriend earlier?”

His eyes went wide as he froze. Nervousness flashed over his face, marring his gorgeous features.

“I, uh…”

I reached out cautiously to grab the hand he had left on the table, concerned I had made him too uncomfortable and he would pull away from my touch, but he did not. I squeezed his hand and he looked up at me discretely behind his golden locks.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable; I overheard your argument earlier and was curious. It’s none of my business.”  

He laughed a bit,

“No, you have every right to ask; especially since I’ve been flirting shamelessly with you for the past half hour.”

I laughed and absent mindedly started rubbing my thumb across his knuckles on the hand I was holding. I smirked at him,

“Well, I have been flirting back.”

He smiled slyly,

“I hoped it wasn’t all in my head.”

I stood up and walked around the table to sit next to him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he practically melted into my side.

“I’m a cuddle slut, hope you don’t mind.”

I smiled and kissed the top of his head,

“Baby, I was born to cuddle a man like you.”

We talked about random things for the next hour or so before sitting in silence for a few minutes. It was comfortable, not awkward in the least.

 I did not really know where to go from here. We had talked some and now, all of a sudden, I realized he was a really cool guy and I was not sure I just wanted a hook up anymore. I had never been good at those anyway.

“This isn’t an experiment, in case you were wondering.”

I lifted my head off of his so I could look at him. He was keeping his face carefully blank but I saw worry in his eyes. Worry about what though?

“That never crossed my mind. Why would I think that?”

He bit his bottom lip,

“Well, I did just break up with a girlfriend. I didn’t want you to think this was some type of revenge or trying to hide my pain, and most people think a person who is bi will fuck anything that moves but that’s not the case.”

I hugged him a bit tighter, hating the tormented look on his face.

“I never thought that, glitterbaby.”

I gently grabbed his chin and lifted his head so our eyes met; I noted the vulnerability in his eyes. I slowly leaned toward him, giving him plenty of time to pull away, before pressing a gentle, chaste kiss to his lips.

“I’d really like to get to know you better, Tommy.”

He smiled and cuddled back into my side,

“I was just thinking the same thing. So, I’ll make it easy for you. I love Mexican food and I know a great place, pick me up at 8.”

I smiled widely,

“It’s a date.”

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