Part 30

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Allison's POV

We get out of the fireplace and take a look around our surroundings.

The furniture has been removed from the room, there's tables covered in white and black cloth. There's chairs spread out across the walls, and there's gold and black decorations everywhere.

Cissy saw us and came straight over, "you all look lovely my dears" "you look gorgeous cissy" Molly says

She lets out a little giggle, "your parents are over here, I would advise making your presence known would probably be the wisest decision right now" she pointing across the room.

"We will, and Thankyou for inviting us" Daphne says

"Your always welcome around here, you guys should know that by now" we all let out a small giggle before cissy walks off.

"Do we have to see them" I say turning to Jake

"I'm afraid that we do" he says, we both sigh

We all make our way over to our parents, then I see Benjamin and a girl next to my parents.

"Hello mother, father" I say to them

"Hello" they before turning to my brother and the girl next to him

I turn to talk to Benjamin. "Are they always like that to you" he says

"Yeah, they weren't as bad before Evelyn died but the death struck them hard I guess leaving them to blame me" I say

"She isn't dead" he says

"That's what you keep saying, but I saw her die. I'm the reason she's dead" I say

He pulls me into a side hug, "oh sorry where are my manors, Allison this is my girlfriend Abigail" he says turning to the girl

"It's lovely to meet you Abigail" I say sticking out my hand, she looks at me with disgust

"Who are you" she says to me

"I'm Allison Evergreen" I say with my hand still in the air.

"So you guys are like brother and sister" she says

"I guess" I say with a small laugh

She places her hand in mine and shakes it "I'm sorry about how I acted just now" I laugh "it's fine honestly, I've been treated way worse"

We both talk for a bit with Benjamin just standing next to us.

All of a sudden I feel a presence behind me, I turn around ready to punch them only to realise it's Theo. He catches my fist and brings it down into my side.

"Your not punching me again darling now are we" he says

"I'm sorry but it would be your fault" I say

He doesn't say anything just kisses me. When we pull away I head a cough behind me.

I turn around to see Benjamin looking uncomfortable to be here and Abigail who looks very interested in what I was just doing.

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