・❥・ Ch 5 : Roll the dice

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The next day you woke up from a deep sleep and dashed to the bathroom to check the mirror, you see the marks on your waist has faded "damn so it wasn't a dream" you say as you gently linger your fingers over the bruise that Lyney left on your waist last night.

You get dressed and have some breakfast and make your way to the main streets of Fontaine. As you make your way there you notice a group of people gathered around a little stall that had magazines, books and newspapers. You stride your way there to find out what was going on and overheard someone mentioning Lyney & Lynette.

"Man i have to go to the show that's happening tonight!" and another person "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" You grab one of the newspapers and flip through the pages and you find an image promoting Lyney & Lynette's Magicshow.

~Tonight at 6PM! Ready to have your toes curling up from fright? Come and have an unforgettable experience at Lyney & Lynette's Magicshow!~

Pfft, who's gonna pay 50 quid just to see two people perform tricks that are probably fake and not as exhilarating as the promotion says? You speak to yourself even though you won't be able to talk yourself out of this one, even you were curious just how good was this magicshow? Why does everyone always talk about these two and how are they so popular for what they do? You had a lot of unanswered questions. You felt a tap on your left shoulder and you whip your head around to see a blonde haired guy.

It was Freminet.

"Hi you're the y/n that talked to me yesterday right?"

You raise your eyebrows, yes you was but what did Freminet want with you? Pretty sure he would prefer to just stay in his own little bubble away from everyone.

"Yes, i'm y/n why do you ask?" You said with the utmost curiosity on what he wanted to ask you. Freminet didn't say anything and just took out a ticket out of his pocket and handed it over to you.

"Lyney asked me to give this to you, he's too busy rehearsing for the show tonight otherwise he would have done it himself in person." Freminet said in a calming tone with his arm still wanting you to take the ticket off his hand.

You grab the ticket and read what the ticket said,


Oh god... he got you front row seats for his show and now you're definitely not gonna be able to avoid seeing Lyney. A part of you was excited to see the show with a clear view but another part of you was absolutely terrified to face him after what happened last night.

"What's wrong? Do you not wanna go?" Freminet says confused by your reaction. You quickly shove the ticket into your jacket pocket. "Ehe.. noo it's just i was thinking if i had free time to go and see this show of his."

"Lyney told me to tell you that he's expecting you to be there and that he's rehearsing extra hard just for you also, if you plan to not show up he will come and find you himself ... i don't know what he means by that but it sounded kinda odd and he had a creepy looking smile on his face but i guess that's just how he is."  Freminet told you everything Lyney told him to say and now he just wants to make his leave.

You just stare blankly at him... oh no you probably ticked him off or something, why does that sound kinda passive aggressive in a way. You better go to that show because you do not want to find out what Lyney has in store for you if you don't show up to his show.

"Sure, he went all out to personally get me VIP tickets, it would just be plain rude to just refuse such a kind gesture." You say that but deep down you really didn't want to have to go. Freminet waves at you and heads back the direction he came from and now you're left standing there not knowing what to do. You were nervous. You take out your phone from your pocket and check the time on your phone. '4:59'

Shit you only have an hour to mentally prepare yourself.

You rushed back towards your motel room to get yourself ready, you wanted to make sure you at least looked decent and that you gave some effort into looking good. You wore a red dress and some perfume. Who knows maybe you might try and confront Lyney and make him beg for you.

You grabbed your bag and keys and headed towards the location of where the Magicshow was. You stopped in your tracks and looked up, you was in front of a massive building which looked like a theatre.

"Wow this place is actually massive"

You made you're way into the theatre and saw that there were already people sat in their seats. You headed towards the front and looked for your seat. As you sat down you noticed how close you actually were to the stage and that Lyney would definitely notice you during the performance.

Suddenly all the lights turned dim, the show was beginning. You can see two figures moving in the shadows and figured that it was Lyney & Lynette. The spotlight shone on the two and they both stepped forward into the light.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Lyney & Lynette's Magicshow!"

You look towards the centre of the stage, the two of them had their hair and makeup did and were looking better than ever, you can even feel their energy from the distance. Lyney scanned his eyes throughout the crowd and slowly his eyes landed at you.

His gaze was soft and you noticed his eyes trail down taking a look at what you were wearing, the red dress you put on, and then back up to make eye contact again. Your heart starts to beat faster, you were a lot more closer to the stage than you thought.

"ugh, i bet he was undressing me with his eyes, should have just worn something basic." You scoff inside your head.

"On tonight's show, we will be picking someone from the crowd to be starring for this special performance!"

"FUCK, he's not going to pick me is he?"

You look around the theatre, tons of people were screaming and putting their hands up begging for him to pick them.

But Lyney didn't care about any of them, he made eye contact with you again and pointed at you. "How about you my lady? come on up on stage for me and sit on this chair"

You hesitated to stand up, but you gave yourself the courage to just get this over and done with. You stood up and you felt your legs shaking, you had to suck it up and just do whatever he says.

"i knew i should have just stayed inside tonight" You curse at yourself.

You went up the steps towards the stage, your heels tapping against the floor and you sat on the chair next to Lyney & Lynette.

"Close your eyes"

You close your eyes not knowing what to expect. Suddenly you felt a piece of fabric around your eyes, he blindfolded you.

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