❆ Ch 15 : Kidnapped

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You wake up in a cold, damp and dark room. You had no idea where you were but Lyney wasn't anywhere to be seen. You look around your surroundings and remembered what happened a couple of hours ago. This lady that goes by the name 'Arlecchino' drugged both of you and you passed out. You stand up on your feet and dash to the door to check if it was locked.

The door creaked open. Why was the door unlocked? did Lyney leave without you? No, that can't be the case... maybe Arlecchino didn't see you as a threat and just didn't bother to lock the door.

"Wow, i guess i should try and bare my surroundings and maybe try to find Lyney." You say as you slowly start to creep your way out of the room that Arlecchino kept you hidden in. As you left the room you entered into the hallway and it was dead silent. All you can hear was the whistle of the wind blowing and some mumbling noises in the distance. You look up and notice how huge the area was, it seemed to you that you probably were inside where the harbingers hang around, which was a giant castle made out of ice.

"Wow...this place isn't half bad." You said as you start to wonder around the castle. You decided to go towards the mumbling noises as that was your only chance to potentially find Lyney. As you got closer, the mumbling started to turn into words.

"You're supposed to be on stage performing, pleasing the crowd and sharpening your skills...what do you think you're doing back in Snezhnaya?" You heard a voice that sounded aggressive and kinda of familiar. You get closer to the door to open it slightly and peak through the tiny gap. It was Arlecchino, and she had Lyney sat on a chair with his hands tied behind his back.

"What does she think she's doing?" You whisper to yourself as you watch the scene in front of you.

"I didn't bring you into my orphanage for you to just decide when you get to have a vacation and not on the stage...or is there perhaps another reason your not in Fontaine performing? Arlecchino yelled at Lyney, slowly stepping closer.

"Didn't you say you wanted a client? I came here to bring her to you." Lyney says as he kept his head facing down.

"Did you forget what you told me yesterday? You said you didn't want her to be the next victim." Arlecchino grabs Lyney's chin to make him look at her when she speaks. "I thought you cared for nobody but your sister, what changed?" Lyney stayed silent and didn't say a word. He couldn't say that he caught feelings for you, he didn't want to risk Arlecchino hurting you.

However, Arlecchino wasn't playing around. she seemed like the type of person to make you cry in pain to get what she wanted to hear, and that's exactly what she did. Suddenly you heard a loud slap sound that made you jump on your spot and gasp a little. You wasn't expecting that. You look towards Lyney and noticed a red bruise on his face from the harsh slap he received. You were getting mad. How dare she puts her hands on Lyney. You couldn't do anything though, if she noticed you who knows what she might do to you.

"SPEAK UP," before i make a reason for you to speak ." Arlecchino said in a cold tone. Lyney started to open his mouth.

"I- i got into some trouble... so i came to Snezhnaya to wait until my heat dies down..." Lyney spoke with a quite voice.

"And? who's the girl that you brought?" Arlecchino crossed her arms, giving an intense stare. If Lyney expressed how he really felt about you it would be over for his 'career.' Him performing on stage is the only reason why Arlecchino hasn't experimented on him or his siblings. It satisfies her to see someone she personally picked out to try and prove that they have potential, like she's controlling his life by some strings. You heard another loud smack, this time Lyney's nose began to bleed.

"How dare you ignore me, tell me why i shouldn't just pass you over to 'The Doctor' right now? Arlecchino spat at Lyney with harsh words.

'The Doctor?' It's nice to know that the harbingers have a doctor just in case someone gets hurt but, why would she send Lyney off to see him?

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