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July 8, 2023


{Y/n's POV}

I grab my phone and look for a question to ask him, flocking my tongue in the process.
"You know what. Have you ever fucked or wanted to fuck any of the Females you've collaborated with? If so then who?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.
"You got the looks and personality of a fuckable person- wait but I don't want to but I would, do that count?"
"Duke." I side eyed him "I guess it could count" I shake my head and roll my eyes.

This went on for hours until we eventually tapped out because we couldn't handle the spice.

Duke had a wet towel with ice in it on his mouth, he was speed walking back and forth from the hallway to the living room while I was drinking chocolate milk cause normal milk is nasty asf.
All I could hear from Duke was him mumbling a handful of profanities into the towel, I was laughing at him as he walked back and forth. He walked up to me and snatched the milk out my hand.
"Bitch- you don't even like milk give me my shit back" I gave him a stank face while he downed my whole cup.

About 30 minutes later we've handled ourselves and finished the video. I was editing on the couch while Duke was sitting next to me, watching me edit.
All the sudden he broke the silence.

"How was it back home for you?"
I didn't look up from my laptop but I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I wanna know what you been through. We've been talkin- well friends for a while and I really don't know too much bout yo background" he sat up, looking at me now.
"We'll I mean, Is there anything specific you want to know?" I look at him, stopping my editing.

"What happened that made you get this tattoo?" I pointed his head to the tattoo on my forearm, the one he noticed earlier.
I knew he was going to ask about it sooner or later, but I didn't really want it to be now, but we have been friends for a while and I guess it's only fair that we really get to know each-other like that.

I set my laptop on my coffee table, bringing my knees to my chest as I lay back into the couch corner, facing towards him.
"It's a long story" I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't really know where to start or what to say.
"I don't got plans for today. Talk." He rested his elbow on top of the couch.

I sighed, thinking of where to start with the story.
"Well I guess I didn't have the best childhood I guess. Parents kinda sucked for the most part, didn't have anyone to talk to." I stopped for a minute. "My mom was married to a man, had 3 kids with him, then cheated on him and had me and my little brother. My biological also has 2 other kids. So I have 6 siblings in total. Didn't really see my other 2 siblings much, haven't seen them since I was like 4" I laughed, "My dad was honestly a horrible person. He was physically and mentally abusive, to me, my brother and my mom. But my mom was so delusional, she stayed with him. They would fall out almost every month.. still would talk to eachother a couple weeks later. My biological didn't really like my siblings dad, but I definitely preferred him more than my own father." I thought to myself because I thought I was over sharing, but if I'm gonna be locked in as friends with this nigga this comes with the package.

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