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    WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD, Ominis broke off from them and went down the hallway to their right.

    "What's his problem?" Sebastian tried to play off Ominis' attitude, but Birdie saw right through him. He reminded her of someone she knew back in her time, another boy who always tried to hide his true feelings.

    "He's just concerned for his aunt," Birdie said, patting his shoulder as Anne went to her own gate. "This is very important to him."

    "I know, but he always thinks everyone looks down on him for being blind. I was only trying to help him." Sebastian huffed with a roll of his eyes. Then his face changed to one of regret. "I guess I shouldn't have singled him out like that."

    Although he seemed unwavering to Birdie in the few days she had known him, she commended Sebastian for at least recognizing that he underestimated his best friend. "Well, he'll get over it. Come on, we've got puzzles to do."

    Birdie separated from Sebastian and walked up to the nearest puzzle, scanning the symbols above the doorway immediately.

As she started rearranging the dial's patterns, the snake hovering above it began to slowly revolve with its eyes emitting a green glow. Was this a timer? What would occur if Birdie failed to complete it on time?

Birdie wasn't too curious to find out, so she finished the puzzle and swiftly retreated when the snake came to a halt. She could hear Sebastian and Anne shouting that they had also finished their part.

As Birdie listened intently, the sound of water droplets hitting the ground and the muffled footsteps of the two twins made it difficult to hear any trace of Ominis stemming from the corridor he had ventured down.

"Ominis, are you alright?" Despite her best efforts, the silence remained unbroken, leaving Birdie to wonder where the blind boy had gone. She would worry much more if he didn't have his wand to guide him.

Curiosity placed itself in her chest as she led the others through the dimly lit, damp corridor.

    Birdie paused as soon as she saw Ominis kneeling on the cold floor, silhouetted by the red and orange torchlight, his hand shaking as he picked up another piece of paper.

With a small but certain voice, he inquired, "I believe this is another journal entry. Would you mind reading this for me?" Birdie cast a glance at the twins, yet they remained still and made no attempt to reach for the paper.

It was understandable to her, nobody wanted to be the bearer of bad news. Especially when Ominis had told them Noctua still hadn't returned.

With deft hands, Birdie retrieved the paper from his grasp and gently assisted him to his feet. She inched closer to the flickering torch.

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