Entry #5: Something about you

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  'I hop from one place to another every minute. It's safer that way and it's easier to find supplies.' I held the pen firmer, 'There was a day when I ran out of food and just slept through the entire day, I felt really tired. So even though it was stupid, I stayed at a house and just stayed there, waiting for nothing. I scavenged for food in the house when I realized maybe I was dying.'

I felt a little bit stupid again, when I think about it, maybe I already turned into a zombie right then.

'I looked and looked inside the house ,hoping there was a tiny can of food there. But, night came and I still found nothing.'

I was terrified that night. I was going to die by myself, my body just rotting inside the house for the zombies to eat.

'Then, when morning came. I heard footsteps inside the house, I thought maybe I was going to get raided by zombies. But, I didn't find any zombies when I searched, instead there was canned food on the table.'

My hand stopped writing as I reminisce on the memory again. I wrote reluctantly as my mind zones out.

'After I spent another day inside, trying to feel better, I finally got out of the house and moved to another location. '

There was silence for a moment before Arackniss spoke beside me,
"I don't get it, this is yer most memorable experience? Food suddenly appearing out of nowhere? Are ya fuckin' serious?"

I rolled my eyes and sent him a look, unamused.

'Shut the fuck up. Tell me your most memorable experience then doofus'

He held up his chin for a moment, acting as if recalling something something so extraordinary. I just knew he was concurring up a lie.

"Would ya believe me if I tell ya I got hired as a bodyguard?" He said it as he was staring at me with a dead serious expression.

I scoffed and wrote, then pushed the notebook in his face.

'Details, idiot '

Arackniss let out a laugh and shook his head as he read what I wrote, there was little grin on his face as he spoke.

"Ya know Sir Pentious right? That dumb oaf inside the shop?" I nodded my head expectantly, "Well we met just a few years back and he hired me to protect him. He's a coward I'll say, the guy is literally twice my size why would he fuckin' want me next to him guarding him?" His tone was light, which should be the opposite when he was clearly insulting the man.

I raised a brow at him and scrunched my eyebrows, a little bit confused.

Why the heck did you agree then?

He chuckled as he looked at my expression.
"Yer probably asking why I agreed to his nonsense. Well I did it for the money obviously"

That's a dumb fucking lie. I wanted to tell him but I didn't wrote it on my notebook. Instead I stared at him suspiciously.

'What would you even do with the money??'

Arackniss scoffed, "What wouldn't I do with the money? I'd use it you dumb idiot."

'Is money even worth anything right now? It's just useless paper since were in an apocalypse. You're just being scammed by him'

He's brows knitted together as he looked at me. "I'm not stupid. I'd use the money obviously after the apocalypse, it's just a matter of time anyway. And have you seen Pentious? He'd probably die the moment he's left alone"

'And that's your problem because?'

Arackniss crossed his arms and frowned, "This conversation is fuckin' dumb."

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