Entry #7: Into the woods

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   Arackniss and Pentious was yelling inside the shop. Arackniss was telling the taller man he wanted to join Angel and Alastor on their little adventure but Pentious was against it, they would be risking too damn much. Yet, Arackniss was persistent.

"We can help save the world—what the fuck is there to argue about!?"

Pentious was folding his arms, shaking his head with a sigh as he stared at Arackniss. The shorter man was becoming furious.

"Then give me the procedures, is this a hundred percent? Or does this even have atleast above fifty percent of success?"
Pentious asks, his tone was calm, even emotionless.

"Well-as of now, I don't have a clue about anything. But. But. It's better than doing nothing right?" Arackniss tilted his head, his voice was less angry now.

"Absolutely not. We would be risking everything for nothing, that's exactly what your telling me"

He gritted his teeth before speaking, he was becoming annoyed again. "Sir Pentious, don't ya want this to be over? This is exactly the first step on achieving that"

Contrary to what Arackniss was feeling, Pentious does not seem a bit persuaded.
"It might" he says, "but it might also be the reason for everything you worked hard to do, to be destroyed in an instant"

"Yer just bein' so pessimistic about this" Arackniss' leaned his back on the wall, glaring at Pentious, discerning the things going through the taller man's head. Why is he so against this?

"Or you're just being delusional. A cure? Who made it? What is it? Where is it?" He sighs as he placed a hand on his forehead, laughing in disbelief. "I'd much believe you if you'd tell me you found a rocketship to go to the moon"

Arackniss turned away, and made a 'hmmp' sound. "Haha. Very funny, mah mind is still made up ya know. We're still going"

Pentious exhaled a long breath.
"Fine "

Arackniss flinched, his eyes lighting up as he looks back at Pentious.

"But you're doing this alone. I'm not coming with you"

He felt his heart beat rapidly against his chest. His ears drowning out all the other noises.

Alastor and Angel were both leaning their ears on the door. Trying to listen on the two's argument.

It's like hearing an old married couple argue honestly

"Well, divorce is an option, isn't it?" Alastor grinned at him, smiling brightly.

Angel rolls his eyes, laughing a little,
I'm sure Arackniss wouldn't mind putting a bullet in yer shitty head right now

"Would you like to bet on it?"

No. Shut up.

Angel leaned closer onto the door but the noises inside died down now, he was assuming the two finally stopped arguing.

So who's side are ya on? Mom or Dad?

Angel glanced to Alastor giving him a sheepish look, Alastor chuckled shaking his head.

"I'd be the ideal choice" Alastor states as a matter-of-fact, Angel laughed beside him.

  Pentious was being a jerk. An utter absolute pain in the fuckin' ass. He is tiresome, an idiot, disagreeable moron who doesn't give a single shit about his feelings. A total oblivious bastard. Arackniss sighed heavily as he let his entire body fall on the mattress. He fled to his room after yelling profanities to the man again, sure, maybe he was being childish, and that he should control his temper once in a while. But dude, you just lose all the damn patience you have if your living with a totally moron who's the definition of oblivious.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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