Entry #6 Finding the cure

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Alastor and I walked back to the shop, he held my hand along the way, and I allowed him to without refusal. He intertwined our fingers as he rubs his thumb softly against mine.
I bit my bottom lips-in frustration, what the heck is he doing? Bitch, I am as confused as you. I have no damn idea.

When we came nearer to the door, Alastor abruptly stopped and glanced to me, his grin getting smaller. I try to remain indifferent, his behavior wasn't bothering me at all. Nope.


I flinched, getting caught by surprise in the way he speaks my name again.

yeah? I ask quietly.

His gaze softens as he continue to stare at me, but after a moment he shakes his head and smiles, "Nevermind, just never leave my side, alright?"

I raised a brow at his question but nodded nevertheless. Clearly, he was the one who just left me earlier, the audacity of him to say that.

Alastor turned the doorknob and opened the door. As soon as we were inside the shop. I instantly saw Pentious and Arackniss giving us weird looks.

"What the fuck is up with you two?" Arackniss spoke, crossing his arms as he clicks his tongue in disgust.

"A pleasure to meet you too, my dear" Alastor retorts, ignoring the shorter man's expression of apprehension. "Oh my, you do indeed look like twins" He says as he leans closer to Arackniss, invading his personal space to look at his face. Arackniss looks like a scared kitten who is about to scratch Al in the face any seconds now.

I look away from them as I see Pentious next to him giving me a confused look as he points to our joined hands. I shrugged, as I try to remove Alastor's hold on my hand, though the said man seemed to notice that as he held my hand tighter.
I sighed as I let him do what he wants. I'm guessing he's sleep deprived to even notice what he's doing or he overexerted himself again knowing the streets were wiped of the undead tonight.

Pentious walked up to me, tapping his chin seemingly thinking about something deep.
"So I'm guessing he's the one?"

I tilted my head to the side, what?

"I mean-he's the man you're currently engaged with, isn't he?"

I dropped my axe and massaged my forehead, annoyed and infuriated.
I can't even explain it to him! My notebook and pen is on my bag, not to mention Alastor is still holding my fuckin' hand hostage.
Pentious then leans closer to me, to whisper on my ear.

However, before he had the chance, Alastor grabs me from behind and pulls me closer to him.
"Oh my, I've only left you for just a minute and you're already entertaining another man, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him,

Like you're any better

He chuckled, then proceeded to look at Pentious with piercing eyes.
"And who might you be?"

Pentious folded his arms, his demeanor had gone cold as he stared at Alastor, "The name's Pentious, as you're already aware this shop is currently being owned by me and Niss. That guy" Pentious pointed to me, "Angel was it?-anyway I spent some time with him earlier."

Alastor let go of my hand and circled his arms around my waist, holding it firmly in place and close to his. I look up at him quizzically, wondering what the fuck was he doing now?

"-And as I observe him, Niss and him looked almost identical, and that's not only just with their facial features...dare I say they look almost related..?"

Al held me closer to him, every external noises drowned out in me, and all that was left for me to hear was his heartbeat.


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