Ezra and Hera bond

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Hera looks at Ezra, curiosity mixed with empathy in her eyes.

Ezra, why did you come here? Why did you leave your own universe?

Ezra takes a moment, gathering his thoughts before responding, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

Hera, I came here because I was tired of being pulled in so many different directions. In my universe, I was always juggling responsibilities, trying to be in two places at once. But I didn't appreciate what I had until it was gone.

Hera listens attentively, her gaze filled with understanding.

I can imagine how overwhelming that must have been for you. Sometimes, it takes losing something to truly appreciate its value.

Exactly. I realized that I had taken my family and the sense of belonging for granted. I was searching for something else, thinking there was something better out there. But now, I see that the true strength lies in the bonds we form with the people who care about us.

Hera smiles, a mixture of compassion and reassurance.

Ezra, it's never too late to learn from our experiences and grow. We can create our own sense of family and find meaning wherever we are. Together, we can make this universe our own.

Ezra's gaze meets Hera's, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes.

You're right, Hera. I've learned my lesson, and I won't take those connections for granted again. We'll face the challenges ahead together, and we'll build our own family, just like the one I left behind.

Hera reaches out and places her hand over Ezra's, a gesture of support and solidarity.

We'll find our way, Ezra. Together, we'll create something extraordinary.

Ezra nods, a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation filling his heart.

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