Lust? Or?

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(A lot of the story from here on will be a bit more nsfw than a few of my other chapters... I'm a married woman now sue me 😏... actually please don't I'm poor)

Sebastian POV
          Apparently, the grim reapers store of cinematic records had been robbed. These records are reels of film containing all memories from someone's lifetime. Grim reapers extract them from the to die list so they decide where the person goes from there. Humans can only see them when they die. Since the imbeciles stored them in a library posed as books they more than likely were "checked out" unnoticed. The undertaker offered us a ride in a donkey driven cart. (Y/N) set at the reins with undertaker leaving the rest of us to sit in the unkept cart with a few coffins for show. I couldn't help but watch as her hair bounced, full of life, with each bump on the uneven road. She hadn't looked at me a single time since the fountain incident. I couldn't stop thinking of how flushed, yet breathtaking she was. I could see every curve her body had to offer from her soaked, turned transparent uniform. The way her breasts rose and fell could've kept me distracted for lifetimes. However, my body couldn't handle just looking any longer for more than those measly seconds. I'm pathetic. Grell was blabbing to Ciel about his adventures in a flower field or something. He had his arms wrapped around mine, but I didn't pay much mind to what was happening inside this tight spaced box. My entire being was solely on my kitten sitting next to that ghastly man. My thoughts raced on what I would do to her if she were to be mine again. Consensually of course. I smile to myself.

          I had been staring at my hands, placed on my lap for what felt like hours. I can't believe, even for a second, I thought he was lusting over MY body the way I was his. I wanted him to kiss me. Hell,  I wanted him to take me right there in the fountain. I know...I'm a virgin.... do I really want to give it away to some fictional demon? Especially one that played with my emotions for so long! But his eyes. I've always been taught they are the windows to one's soul. They show you the truth. His burned with want the way mine did. I'd give anything to see those eyes again. I held his coat tighter to me. It has his scent, the one I've been missing all this time. Undertaker spoke lowly, "He hasn't stopped gawking at you since we left!" I jerked my head up to look at the smiling man,"He probably just wants his coat back...that's all." He side eyes the demon behind us "maybe, but my guess is his eyes wouldn't burn crimson for a mere jacket." I suck in my breath it takes everything in me not to turn around. To see him that way again. I press my thighs together. Please let this end.
          We make it 3/5ths of the way there when the undertaker asks me to take a seat in the back. I glance around my shoulder and that's when I notice the coffins. "I don't need to get in one of those do I?" I give him a pleading look. He smiles almost as if toying with me "you wouldn't want to be the reason our cover is blown would you? There are only 3 so you'll have to share." I turn around and see Sebastian is the only one left with the coffin door wide open for me. "Wouldn't it be more convenient for me to be in with the young master h-he is smaller after all?" I can feel the heat rising and all I can do is twiddle with my thumbs. Sebastian smiles "The young master has a bit of  claustrophobia and Grell well.... Needed some help getting a bit of sleep he'll be out the rest of this trip." I step over the edge removing his coat and shoving it to his chest. I lay down in the coffin shutting my eyes. I really don't want to look at his demon smirk right now.  I hear the door creak shut. I couldn't even feel him laying next to me. Perhaps he decided to sit this one out and follow. I open my eyes and he is hovering right above me. His hands are place on each side of my head. I blinked confused and flustered. I lift my body just a bit to get more comfortable and feel him press against me. I gasp my eyes slowly trailing up meeting his stare. His jaw clenched. I did something I probably shouldn't have. I feel my body heat up. I squeeze my eyes tight and quickly turn my head. I suddenly felt his breath on my neck making goosebumps cover my entire body. He whispers my name against my neck before kissing it. This is in my head. It has to be. Then he does it again. Again. Again. I can hear my shaking breaths. He trails down to my collar bone I release a moan. I don't understand why I'm not trying to stop him in this moment. He sucks gently at the sensitive area causing a whimper to escape. Because... I still love him. "(Y/N) please tell me it's not just in my head." I blink at this and return my attention to the sexy figure above me. The coffin lit up by his firey eyes. He leaned towards me, his lips barely grazed my own. "Sebastian. Please." was all I could say before the coffin creaked open and Grell pulled him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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