New Girl

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Well everyone I'm back. This summer didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to. I lost and gained and then I lost again. This story is still going to be continued but I just need you all to stay with me on this please. I don't really know how much more pain I can take. But this isn't about me it's about the story and here's what you all have been waiting for. Ladies,Gentlemen, and your occasional animal I GIVE YOU THE NEXT CHAPTER! <3
( The Messed Up Barbie Doll pov)

Well that ended quickly. Guess I actually did her a favor. My Sebastian with that human cat? Disgusting. It was only a matter of time. She's lucky I showed up when I did. I knew he'd never get over me. I mean who could? I keep myself up. Also this potion I mean "perfume" I put on this morning just quickened up the process . It was basically like cat nip but for demons. My brother helped me retrieve it earlier. I guess being a reaper has its advantages. Grell was truly the best brother a girl could ask for. Even though he's still trying to go after what is rightfully mine! Anyway I decided that it would be time to leave the Manor after new years. Me and my little kitty kat, that's my nickname for Sebastian, need some time apart. I also got tired of all the servants there giving me the death glare. And that little w**** stayed locked up in her room the whhhhooooollllleeeeeee time. So it was just me and Sebastian. And once that little noble brat is out of the picture we both can be together for all eternity! Besides I need to look for the ring I'm going to get from Sebastian. But they no need to fret,  I'll be back. 👿
(y/n) pov
The days kept passing me by. I was locked up in my room for a long time. The servants tried every way they could to make me feel better. They even tried messing up on purpose. I think that it was just to cover up their actual messes though. It was halfway through January before I decided to make an appearance again. I left a note for Sebastian stating that if I were to see him at anytime that wasn't during my work schedule that I would beat my head against the wall until I died. I think he took to that because I never saw him anywhere other than beside Ciel. Ciel was a very understanding master. He only made me and Sebastian work together when it was absolutely necessary. I truly love that boy he's grown so much and he's also learned to let loose and have a little fun for a while. Today was one of those days where I'd have to see that demon again. It's also going to be the longest.
"The castle? As I recall it we are remodeling that building into a hotel." I heard Ciel talking with Sebastian.
I was standing outside the door holding the master's clothes in my arms. I honestly hate doing this why can't he just take them in the bathroom with him? Its not like it's not big enough to where it won't get wet. I think Sebastian truly does love to watch me suffer. I touch the necklace I was wearing. It was the key that Sebastian gave me for my birthday. The key to his heart. I thought about walking up to him and gabbing it right where his heart should be and twisting it complaining that it's not working. But I guess that would be a little over the top. I thought smiling to myself.
"Thinking about me (y/n)?"
I turned my head to the door and there was Sebastian. His face was so close to mine, our noses could almost be touching. I looked into his crimson eyes and almost fell to the floor. I still loved him no matter how hard I tried not to. I had to control myself. So I jumped back away from him. I kept my eyes on the floor.
"I don't smile anymore when I think about you Sebastian." I said while shoving the clothes into his arms.
It wasn't long after that did the three of us go to the castle. Ciel was talking about how the construction workers stopped production because of, and I may not be hearing this correctly, ghosts?
"There can't be such things as g-" I started then looked over at Sebastian.  He started smiling at me.
"You sound a bit unsure of that." he said back.
I swear if he doesn't stop smiling at me I think I'll throw up.
"Sebastian just be quiet" Ciel said. To my surprise he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me right beside him. "I want to go home." 
Sebastian scowled at us but did as he was told. He opened the double castle doors for us. We all proceeded down the hallway. There was a painting of two blonde boys hanging on the wall. Ciel claimed that he had seen it before. Right after he made that statement the double doors shut loudly behind us.
"Who gave you three permission to enter this castle?" we heard a voice from the next room say.
When we entered all the candles lit up by themselves. They revealed a table towards the back along with two dark blue chairs.
"So that's it then a traveling minstrel man is residing here?" Ciel said. I was starting to tremble.
Ciel saw this and took my left hand in his. I turned my head to look at him and he mouthed the words 'it's okay'. I nodded and continued staring ahead.
"How dare you insult me?" a blonde boy wearing noblemen clothing appeared before us. He had long blonde hair with wide blue eyes. His skin was a cream color and he held a cane in his right hand. "Me the king of all England? I am Edward the fifth."
So that's where we are in the story. I've been so busy sulking I haven't really been paying that much attention.
" Your majesty may I present the rightful Lord Phantomhive." I took over Sebastian's place and curtsied.
The other two bowed behind me. Alive or not he is still our king and for that we must treat him as such.
"Please forgive my rudeness I was unaware of the majesty's residence." Ciel held his hat in his hands bowing once more.
The king looked over at me. He was around the same age as Ciel and he held such an angry expression.
"Fine you are forgiven it's not everyday we get visitors here. Especially not if one of them is a woman." the king said still not looking away from me.
"We are not visitors your majesty. My company owns this building"
. "Oh so you are the new care takers then?"
"Not exactly. If I may be frank sire, I'd like you to vacate the premises."
" You are trying to evict the king and his brother who have lived here all this time?"
Ciel tried to bargain with him. Saying that he'll give him anything he wants. Off to the side I saw a little boy peeking around the corner. He was like a smaller version of the king. He had in his hands a skeleton head. It was a little scary but his cute smile made it seem not as bad. I smiled back at him.
"Well seems as though my little brother has taking a liking to your maid there" the king said.
I looked back at the two of them forgetting about their conversation. Sebastian whispered low enough to where I could only hear him.
"You can't just smile at every man that crosses your path or something bad may happen to you."
" Like you care about anything that happens to me." I replied back.
"It's would be so nice to have a lady in the house and so much fun." the little boy said to the skeleton head.
I wouldn't mind working for them they both seem rather lonely here. But there is no way I would or could leave Ciel. I love that boy with all my heart not to mention all the others back at the Manor. Now if only Sebastian wasn't in the picture anymore.
"We shall play a game of chess if I win I get your maid. If you win you may do whatever you like with the castle" the prince's words shock me.
Put up your castle just so you could try to win me? If the stakes are that high there is bound to be a trick somewhere. I hate that I can't remember everything even though I watch this show pretty much daily!
"Alright I hope you don't regret it" Ciel said.
Yep I'm doomed.
Hope you all like it will put up another chapter here shortly.

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