Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Nia and I am 17 I have my nose pierced my tongue pierced my lip pierced my cheek pierced my bellybutton pierced my eyebrow pierced and I have my second piercing and I have tattoos and I have my snake bites in and I am a badass and I have a very bad attitude and I have a tattoo on my knuckles and on one of my knuckles I have fuck and one my other knuckles I have life and when I put my hand together it says "Fuck Life" and I stuffer from depression and I have anxiety attacks and I also have panic attack and I takes medicine for it but I don't take them I am a model and an actor and I stay to myself and I do have a sister her name is Jade and she goes with Andre Harris and they always around me and I'm okay with that and I can be an asshole and some people are scared of me and I design my own clothes and stuff but I been in England cause I was filming a movie but I am going back to Hollywood and I am dating Beck but I have been avoiding him and I am mean cold hearted I have a badass reputation don't know why but that's what people say and I am a mechanic as well but a lot of people don't know that well Jade and Andre knows that and I have anger issues and I'm also bipolar but no one knows that and I also sing and I just stay to myself

Jade hey my name is Jade West I'm 17 years old and I have a sister her name is Nia and she is coming to my school and I'm so happy that she is coming to my school I have a boyfriend his name is Andre Harris and Nia is a model and a actor and she been in England for a while now cause she was doing a movie and she wrestles as well and it's really cool

Nia pov as I got up I went to take a shower and got dress (picture on top) then I had went into the bathroom and did my hair and makeup then I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had walked out of the bathroom and grab my phone my bag and went downstairs then I had left the house and lock my door then I had got in my 2024 Jaguar F-type and drive to school

Nobody pov as Beck Jade Andre Isaiah Cat and Robbie was standing by the lockers talking then Nia had walked in into school then Jade had saw Nia and was happy to see her then Jade had walked away without anyone knowing and she had went over to Nia then Jade say hey how was England then Nia say it was okay school was okay there I guess but it was time for me to come back home to my sister then Jade say are you still avoiding Beck then Nia say I have to because we well you know then Jade say big deal he's your boyfriend me and Andre did it and we are fine then Nia say you know how I am I keep thinking that he's gonna leave me for someone who's more prettier than me then Jade say that's not true your way more hotter than these other bitches at this school then Andre had went over to them then Andre say hey Nia then Nia say hi Andre while hugging him then she had walked away

At Tori's house
Tori: Alright, let's see. The bread mold...
Ian: Bread mold.
Tori: Furry.
Ian: Furry.
Tori: Mushy.
Ian: Mushy.
Tori: Next, the fish mold.
Ian: Fish mold.
Tori: Spongy.
Ian: Spongy.
Tori: Stinky.
Trina: I am so upset! You won't believe who I got partnered with for the big showcase.
Tori: Who?
Trina: Andrew Harris! A tenth grader!
Ian: What's the big showcase?
Tori: It's a performance they put on at her school every year -
Trina: They invite agents and directors and producers and other super powerful people in show business and is extremely important which is why I am so upset! And Good Bye!
Tori: Hey! He and I have a science project due to do tomorrow! I'll have to bring in my mold bush.
Trina: No! Andrew's and his friend I guess are coming over and you got to help us figure out what to do for the big showcase! I definitely wanna sing! [plays piano] [sings off-key] How was that?
Tori: Loud?
Trina: Awesome!
[door bell rings]
Trina: Ugh, he's here. [walks to the door] STAY! [opens door] Come in.
Andre: thanks. I hope it's cool I brought a friend with me to help out.
Trina: who?
Andre: come on in.
Nia* walks in*
Andre: this is Nia she's an actress a model and she designs her own clothes and stuff and she's a dancer.
Nia* in her thick England accent*: well thanks for telling everyone.
Tori: oh my god you were in that movie where y'all was trap in that house.
Nia: yeah that was me.
Trina: Tori, that's Andrew.
Andre: André. You go to Hollywood Arts too?
Tori: Oh, no. I'm not a performer. Just her sister.
Trina: Yup, I've got the talent and she got the strong teeth. [holds Tori's mouth] Ya know, she's never had one cavity?
Tori: I try not to brag about it.
André: [walks to piano] Oh, nice piano! [plays piano]
Tori: Oh my God, you're fantastic!
Trina: He's okay.
Andre: [sniffs Tori's hand]
Tori: Fish mold.
André: [lets go]

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