Chapter 9

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Nia pov as I got up I went to take a shower and got dress (picture on top) then I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had did my hair and makeup then I had left the house and went to school

Tori: Hey, hey! Look what I got!
Andre: A piccolo?
Tori: It's my new instrument.
Cat: I thought you were learing to play the fr-
Tori: It didn't work out!!!
(Festus gives Tori the turkey sandwich she asked for)
Tori: I thought you said you only had burritos?
Festus: What are you, a lawyer?
André: What's shakin, bacon?
Tori: Oh, they don't have bacon.
Chef: Just burritos!
Tori: ...Was my piccolo playing that bad?
Cat: Yeah... (she rubs Tori's hair)
Tori: I say we celebrate...piccolo style. (starts to play, but Beck silences her)
Beck: No, no... (takes the piccolo from Tori's hand)
Tori: What did you do to my pants?!
Sikowitz: Good! Now, terrified!
Sikowitz: Falling off a cliff!
Sikowitz: Excellent. Now, as you can see, the same dialogue can evoke an infinite number of emotions, depending upon how the actor chooses to play it. Like a robot.
Tori: (imitating a robot) What... did you do... to my pants...?
Sikowitz: Wrong! Robots don't wear pants... it was a trick.

Officer: What's your name?
Tori: Oh! I'm...uh...I'm... (sees a water jug that reads "Crystal Waters") Crystal Waters. It's okay, I'm on the movie.
Officer: Crystal Waters? I don't remember seeing the name Crystal Waters-
Cat: (runs out from the back) I CAN'T FIND MY MOTHER! (grabs the officer by the shirt) HELP ME FIND MY MOTHER, PLEASE! MOMMMMMMMM! MOMMMMMMMMMMMM-
Officer: Shut up; we'll find your mama! (he and Cat walk off. Cat winks to Tori)

(Sinjin slaps a bee on Andrè's shoulder)
André: Ow! What was that for?
Sinjin: There was a bee on your shoulder.
André: And you killed it before it could sting me?! Thanks a lot, man.
Sinjin: What did I do?
André: No, just go on. Get out of here!
André: Did you meet Melinda Murray?
Beck: No.
André: I bet SHE'S been stung by a bee...
Beck: You can ask her yourself.
Nia: (upon seeing Tori and Beck hugging) 1... 2... Don't make me get to 3! (Beck unhugs from Tori) Better!

Cat: Oh, you have Mexican flavored gum?
Tori: Mexican's not a flavor!
Sinjin: Thank you.
Tori's Newest Status on

TheSlap: Nia's dress feels...warm. MOOD = Jaded
(Tori kisses Sinjin on his cheek as her thanks for agreeing to help her)
Sinjin: Here comes that feeling.
Tori: (pokes her head back in) I heard that!
Nia: Read the phone, Tori! Read the phone!
Tori: Don't you steal my phone in face bit!
Tori: (after the long flashback) So, you guys formed a fake ping pong team so you could get some money, buy a trophy for the school, save the principal's job, and take Sikowitz out for a big fancy dinner?
Andre: [pause] Yeah, I guess we could've just told it that way.
Tori: YES, I'm wearing a ping pong jacket!
André: How could you not think to bring a fancy dress?
Tori: I don't know. I just didn't, okay?
Beck: You said you reminded everyone to bring nice clothes.
Nia: I did.
Tori: You didn't remind me!
Nia: (sarcastically) Whoops!

Nia: So, who's that?
Tori: Um, this is Danny.
Daniel: Hey.
Beck: S'up.
Nia: Why are you talking to Tori?
Tori: He goes to my old school.
Daniel: Sherwood.
Tori: He...was my boyfriend.
Daniel: Girlfriend.
Nia: So, why'd you dump her?
Beck: babe...
Nia: Can I guess? Because I got a lotta guesses.
Daniel: Well, actually...
Tori: You don't have to...
Daniel: Tori broke up with me.
Nia: Oh. And how did you celebrate?
Tori: Do you ever take a day off? (Nia smiles)
Beck: So, whatcha doin' here?
Tori: Yeah, what are you doing here?
Daniel: Well, I've kinda been dating this girl that goes here, and I, uh, was supposed to meet her-
Cat:(screams and runs in) Daniel!!! (she runs into his arms and they kiss) This is the guy I've been telling you about! My boyfriend!
Tori: (rolls eyes) Oh...
Cat: Daniel, these are my friends. Beck, Nia, and that's Tori.
Tori: Yeah, we...we've met.
Cat: Really? You know Daniel?
Nia: Oh, she knows Daniel.
Tori: (awkward) So...
Daniel: (also awkward) So...
Nia: (evil smile) So...
Cat: How come everyone's being all weird?
Nia: I'll tell her!
Beck: No, you won't.
Tori: Cat, I used to go to Sherwood, with Danny, before I came to school here.
Cat: Oh, so you guys were friends?
Nia: Yeah, they were good friends.
Cat: Uh, I'm confused.
Tori: Danny and I used to date. (Cat gasps)
Beck: (to Nia) Why don't we walk over to some other location?
Cat: Ok, wait, so like you and Tori were like...
Daniel: Girlfriend.
Tori: Boyfriend.
Cat: So...
Daniel: Please don't feel weird about this.
Tori: You really shouldn't. We broke up a year ago.
Daniel: Yeah, a year.
Tori: It's only been eleven months.
Daniel: What difference does it make?
Tori: Forget it! The point is, I'm totally cool with you guys dating.
Daniel: And I'm totally cool that you two are friends.
Cat: Well, ok then. It's all happy!
Tori: Ok.
Nia: I'm bored now. (walks away)
Beck: I apologize for... her. (walks away also)

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