Chapter 4

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Nia pov as I got up I went into the bathroom and took a shower and got dress (picture on top) then I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had did my hair and makeup done hen I had grab my phone and my bag and my iPad and my PearPad went downstairs and left the house and went to school since I had detention

At school
Andre: Well, this is a great way to spend a Saturday.
Tori: I have never had detention before.
Robbie: I'm kinda nervous.
Jade: (to Robbie) If you hadn't made us late for class, we wouldn't be here!
Robbie: (angrily to Jade) I was choking on a pretzel!
Andre: (angrily) Well, why do you always gotta be chokin' on somethin'?!
Beck: (to Andre) Ah, give him a break.
Tori: Yeah, it's not Robbie's fault he has a petite throat!
Robbie: (angrily) It's average!
Rex: (angrily) "Ah"!
Tori: Hey, who's in charge of detention anyway?
André: Vice Principal.
Jade: Dickers.
Nia: ugh.
Andre: wait Nia why do you have detention?
Nia: I threatened to stab a kid in my fashion class.
Beck: wh-why would you do that?
Nia: hey! It's not my fault don't mess with a pregnant woman when she has scissors.
Beck: babe. What did I tell you about threatening people.
Nia: it wasn't my fault he had it coming he shouldn't have said anything to me when I said don't talk to me and what he did he talked to me.
[Vice Principal Dickers enters.]
Jade: and here he comes now.
VP Dickers: Morning, waz-bags.
Nia: it was a good morning until you showed up.
VP Dickers: Detention is that way, in the library. Get ready for the worst day of your lives. [Pointing up the stairs towards library]
Cat* walks in*: Yay! We're at school on a Saturday.*laughs*
VP Dickers: [Yelling and pointing] Library!
*Tori, Jade, Andre,Beck,Nia,Cat and Robbie* walk up the stairs*
Nia: All right.
Andre: Don't have to yell at me.

[In the library]
Mr. Dickers: Well, well. It's 7:06 here in Los Angeles. That means that in Australia, it's yesterday! (pause) Or tomorrow.
Robbie: Y'know, in Australia, when you flush the toilet, the water swirls backwards.
Mr. Dickers: Put a sock in it, Afro! You clowns are gonna sit in here all day and think about why you're in detention! (Jade leans back and spits her gum in the air; Rex leans back and catches it in his mouth) Now, cellphones! Let's have 'em.
Beck* with his arms around Nia*: Why?
Mr. Dickers: Because in detention, there are no phone calls!
Beck: What about texting?
Mr. Dickers: NO.
Andre: E-mail?
Mr. Dickers: NO!!!
Tori: Can we play Grumpy Gerbils?
Cat: I love Grumpy Gerbils!
Robbie: I can't get past Level 23.
Mr. Dickers: ZIP IT, corn pie!
Jade: Can we have corn pie?
Mr. Dickers: SHUT UP! (brief pause) PHONES!!! (the gang expect for Nia all put their phones in the box) Now... I'm gonna put your box of phones right here! (puts them on top of the bookshelf. Wait you didn't put your phone in here* points at Nia*
Nia: well, I think I know I didn't put it in the box and that's because I'm not gonna do it so you can get the fuck out of my face with that shit because last time I check you didn't pay my phone bill so why don't you move along cause you don't won't to see a pregnant girl mad dickface.
Everyone* does a little laugh at what Nia had said*
Tori *raises her hand*
Mr. Dickers: what princess?
Tori: I was just wondering what the plan is for lunch.
Mr. Dickers: Well if you pre-turds get hungry, there's a big plate of tuna right here! (points to it)
Robbie: Um, technically, sir, if perishable foods aren't kept at either below 34 degrees or above 140 degrees-
Mr. Dickers: Pipe down, side salad! Eat the tuna or starve! I could care less!
Andre: I think you mean you couldn't care less.
Mr. Dickers: What's that?
Beck: You said you could care less.
Tori: Which implies that you do care, at least a little bit.
Mr. Dickers: I don't.
Beck: Well, then you should have said, you couldn't care less.
Robbie: But you did not.
Cat: Hey, what about the guy who first landed on the moon? He said "One small step for man." I would've just said "Oh, my god, I'm on the moon!"
(Beck smiles)
Mr. Dickers: Alright, not another word!
Nia and Jade* looked at each other and nodded there heads*
Jade: Word.
Mr. Dickers: That's it, West, you just bought yourself another Saturday detention.
Jade: Did I get a good deal on it?
Mr. Dickers: You just bought yourself another one!
(Cat yelps and buries her head in her hood)
Jade: Okay, look, I'm sorry, I apologize.
Mr. Dickers: That's 3! 3 Saturdays!
Tori: But she was apologizing!
Mr. Dickers: Okay, Vega, now you got one!
Tori: Why?
Mr. Dickers: Boom! Another one!
Tori: I don't want another one!
Mr. Dickers: That's three! You want to to try for four?
Tori: I really don't!
Mr. Dickers: That's 4! You want 5?
Nia: YES!!!
Mr. Dickers: Okay, Vega, you just got 5!
Tori: What?!
Cat: (silently) Tori, stop!
Tori: Stop what? Nia said yes!
Rex: I guess he's afraid to give one to Robbie. (Robbie covers Rex's mouth as Mr. Dickers comes to him)
Mr. Dickers: (to Rex) Oh, yeah? I got one for you, too, Fudge Sack! Anybody else? Huh? Anybody? (no one speaks) You mess with the cow... you get the udders. (Dickers leaves the library as the door closes)
Beck: You know what I can go for right now?
Andre: Tacos?
Beck: How'd you know?
Andre: I felt you, dawg. (Beck smiles)
Tori: Tacos. Those sound really good right now.
Jade: (while ripping paper) I'm down for tacos.
Robbie: (nervously) Yeah. I love tacos.
Jade: (about Cat) Look who's being real quiet.
Cat: I'm just not that hungry right now.
Jade: Yeah, why don't you tell everyone the truth?
Cat: Leave me alone.
Andre: What's going on here?
Jade: (goes to Cat) Our pristine little friend Cat has never had a taco.
Cat: I'm not that pristine. (pause) Wait, what's pristine mean?
Jade: (to Cat) Are you a vegan?
Beck: Knock it off, guys.
Rex: What's a vegan?
Robbie: It's a person who doesn't eat meat.
Rex: I love meat!
Robbie: Shhh!
Rex: Don't shush me!
Jade: C'mon, Cat, tell us. Have you ever had a crispy corn shell, filled with meat... lettuce... shredded cheese... (Jade glares at Cat)
(Tori comes over)
Tori: Hey! Leave her alone.
Jade: What are you gonna do if I don't?
Tori: Well, I might just go online, to the Slap, and unfriend you. (Cat gasps)
Jade: Oh, really?
Tori: Two clicks. One to unfriend you, and one to confirm that I really wanna unfriend you.
(Jade glares at Tori)
Nia: you don't have the balls too do it I mean me and Jade got more followers than you so do it I dare you.
Tori* sits back down*
Nia: yeah that's what I thought.
Andre: Hey, c'mon, y'all, how we gonna get some tacos?
Tori: I could call Trina, ask her to pick some up and leave them in my locker.
Robbie: (crying) You're so conceited, Tori! You're so conceited!
Tori: (confused) What?
(the group is avoiding Mr. Dickers in the hall when they run into some wet floor signs)
Tori: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! The floor's wet.
Cat: We can't run across that, it's too dangerous!
Jade: Way to go, Tori. You just had to have your taco!
Robbie: We're dead...
Tori: No...just me. (stuffs the bag of tacos in Robbie's pants) You guys get back to the library.
Cat: What about you?
Tori: I'm gonna get Dickers' attention.
Beck: How?
Tori: (singing loud and off key while running and ripping posters) HERE I AM, ONCE AGAIN... FEELING LOST... (The screen cuts to Dickers turning suspicious and heading in the direction of the singing) YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID TO PUT YOUR DREAM IN ACTION, YOU'RE NEVER GONNA FADE YOU'LL BE THE MAIN ATTRACTION... IN MY VICTORY, JUST REMEMBER ME, WHEN I MAKE IT SHINE-(bumps into Dickers)
Mr. Dickers: Oh, ho ho. I'm gonna make it shine. I'm gonna make it shine REAL good!
Tori: Listen-
Mr. Dickers: Aaaaaahhhh, you're in big trouble, Vega.
Tori: For what?
Mr. Dickers: For leaving the library, skinny jeans! And singing offa-key! Come on. (pulls Tori by the arm)
Tori: I was running and singing at the same time, that's-that's really hard!
Mr. Dickers: Oh, SHUT UP! (to Tori) Sorry. Just trying to kill that fly.
Tori *takes her taco*: Ooh, still warm.
Andre: Well, they were in Robbie's pants.
Beck: Can you not say that again?
Jade: Cat, you're not eating your taco.
Cat: (nervously) Yeah, it's 'cause I'm - I'm like - I'm too excited to eat it, you know. Tacos, yay! (the cheese from Cat's taco fell off)
Jade: VEGAN.
Cat: I am not.
Jade: Then eat your taco if you're not a vegan.
Nia* in her iPad*
Andre: Nia you want a taco?
Nia: no I'm good I can't eat tacos.
Jade: why? You love tacos.
Nia: I know I do. But the babies don't like them.

(closing letter)
Rex: Dear Mr. Dickers. Goodbye from all of us. A puppet...
Tori: A future popstar.
Andre: A musician.
Beck: An actor. And a soon to be father
Robbie: A nerd with temporarily straight hair.
Jade: A girl who likes scissors...
Nia: A girl who likes knifes and a soon to be mother....
Cat: And me!!!!
Rex: Cat, they can't see you, baby.
Cat: Oh... it's Cat, bye!
Rex: Sincerely, The Breakfast Bunch. Even though we never had breakfast as a bunch.

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