Chapter 8

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4 weeks later Nia pov as I got up I went to take a shower and I made sure to wash my body real good then I had washed my hair then I had turn the shower off then I had got out and wrap my towel around my body then I had got another towel and wrap it around my head then I had walked out of my bathroom and went into my closet then I had looked through my outfits that I had made to see which one I was gonna wear then I had picked out the outfit I was gonna wear then I had lay it on my bed then I had dry off and put on my underwear and bra then I had put on some lotion on my body then I had got dress (picture on top) then I had went back into my bathroom and brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had took the towel from my head then I had plug my hair dyer up then I started blow drying my hair then I had unplug my hair dryer and plug up my flat iron and wait for it to get hot then I had flat iron my hair then I had did my makeup then I saw that it had came out good then I had spray some perfume on me then I had put my earrings in then I had walked out of my bathroom then I had got Aella and Leo ready then I had grab my phone and my bag and my headphones and Aella and Leo bag then I had got them and went to my 2022 Jaguar I-Pace and strap them in then I had got in and put my seatbelt on and backed out of my driveway and drive to Beck parents house and drop off Aella and Leo then I had went to school then I had got out of the car and shut the door and lock it then I had walked into school and went to my locker

Nobody pov as Nia was at her locker getting her books she needed for class then Nia had shut her lcoker and went to class

At lunch
Tori: Oh, my god! [she fans herself with her hand] I am!
Rex: Ain't that the truth.
Tori: [feels Nia's arm] You're not sweaty?
Nia: Sweating is gross, so I don't do it.
Tori: Everyone sweats.
Beck and Andre: Not Nia. Or Jade.
Robbie: Nia never sweats.
Tori: What are you cold blooded?
Rex: Nia cold blooded not a surprise.
Beck and Andre: [laugh]
Nia: [grabs a tube of sunscreen and squirts Rex in the face]
Rex: That witch got sunscreen in my eyes help me Rob.
Cat: Is it true that sweat and pee are, like, "cousins"?
André:...What now?
Beck: Man, how long's this heat wave gonna last?
Tori: They say until Tuesday.
Cat: Why would they say that?!
Tori: Hey...hey! Sinjin! He's face down in the kiddie pool!
Nia: Yep.
André: (checks his phone) It's cool; he's still got two minutes left. (Tori and Robbie hurry over to the kiddie pool)
Tori: (turns Sinjinn over) Are you okay?! (he gargles)
Robbie: Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth? (Sinjin gargles again)
Tori: ...Nah, he's alright. (she flees)

Cat: (running out of trailer) Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee!!!
Beck: Hurry back!
Cat: (in the distance) Kay-kay!
Nia: She has the bladder of a squirrel.
(Tori and the gang are preparing their beach stuff)
Andre: Andre: Alright. It's starting to get hot in here.
Tori: Yeah! Let's go.
Robbie: Let's hit that beach!
Beck: That's right, people. (Beck pushes the door, but it won't open)
Nia: What's wrong?
Beck: I don't know. The door won't open. (Beck pushes the door again, but it won't open. The scene cuts outside. It turns out that a giant RV is parked right next to theirs.)
Tori: (while trapped) WHERE IS CAT?
Robbie: She's been gone for over 20 minutes!
Andre: The girl only weighs 90 pounds. How much pee can she hold?
Tori: [to Nia] Does it worry you that you never sweat?
Nia: No.
Tori: Well, what if, one day, all your sweat like, builds up inside, and you just explode?
Nia: ...I would love that.
Trina: That's it, i'm calling her. What's Cat's number?
Nia: I already tried.
Beck: No signal.
Andre: Oh man, I told y'all not to get F-Mobile!
Tori: Well, where's your phone?
Andre: I left it in my pants, and my grandma washed it. All my contacts, GONE!
(Beck is still trying to push the door)
Nia: Just open it!
Beck: Something's blocking the door. (Tori looks through the window)
Tori: Oh, man. Some idiot parked a huge RV right next to us!
Trina: Whatever. Let's just go out the back door.
Beck: There is no back door.
Trina: Well, that's stupid.
Andre: I'm getting very hot now.
Robbie: Would somebody open the window?
Nia: The windows are bulletproof. They don't open.
Rex: Oh, thanks a lot, Fat Biscuit!
Nia: What?!
Rex: I meant the rapper from whom Beck's daddy purchased this vehicle!
Andre: I'm getting hotter.
Tori: Just push on the door.
Beck: I can't push a 7000-pound RV out of the way.
Tori: Then push harder! (they started to argue)
Andre: ALL RIGHT! Let's not bug out! (the argument stops)
Tori: Dude, no one knows we're trapped in this toaster oven!
Andre: Cat just went to the bathroom. She's gonna be back in a few minutes, then she can start becks truck and then pull us forward so we can get out.
Rex: Good point.
Nia: Okay. (they sit in the sofa to wait for Cat)
(the gang start to use Tori's very small fan)
Jade: At least it oscillates.
Andre: Um. I'm still not happy.
Trina: I'm so hot.
Robbie: Where could Cat be?
Tori: I hope she's okay.
(the gang are still using Tori's little fan)
Andre: (the fan starts to slow down) Uh uh. Uh uh.
Tori: It's slowing down! (the fan stops and everyone groans)
Robbie: NOOOO!!!!!! (Robbie gets the fan and starts spinning it) Come on, fan! Work!
Beck: Robbie!
Robbie: Work!
Beck: Robbie!
Robbie: Spin!
Beck: Stop!
Robbie: You can come work!
Beck: Robbie! Robbie! Stop it!
Beck: THE BATTERIES ARE DEAD! Robbie, stop!
Robbie: Oscillate! Spin!
Beck: (shakes Robbie) IT'S OVER!!! (Robbie gets up, yelling indistinctly and then buries his head in the pillow while screaming)
Trina: We got to get out of this stupid RV! (Beck looks at her) Yeah, offense!
Tori: Well, at least. We have to find something to drink!

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