ghost domination dominated

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"After the loud departure of the bassist and co-founder of the Californian group Ghost Domination Scott Murai, it looked like the band would temporarily stop and give themselves time to deal with the loss of the main composer. Nothing could be further from the truth! After less than 2 months, Ghost Domination already toured with a new line-up, and the change was... bomb.

            Dede – because that's how everyone calls her – is a mysterious, young and unbelievably talented bass player. Extravagant and charming, she attracts the attention of all gathered. At concerts, she exudes wild energy, and in her eyes you can see enthusiasm and drive towards the unknown. Although she is very secretive in herself, her rebellious and controversial deeds speak for themselves – nothing will stop Dede.

            "When she showed up in my basement with drumsticks, she tried her hardest to hide the fact, that she messed up which instrumentalist we are looking for" the drummer Eric Podolsky said, recalling the first Ghost Domination's jam in the new composition. Because Dede doesn't just play bass. The girl seems to be familiar with the whole orchestral assortment. In her first band Remevlis, which she created with Cliff Redmond and Dave Avery (now in Critism), she sat behind the drums, and in Ghost Domination, replacing his predecessor in this, also does for the second voice and the main song writer.

            In addition to the rebellious-chaotic character and original style of playing (which she has already managed to prove in the latest album Ghost Domination's album "Delirium"), Dede is also not lacking in beauty. From the very beginning of her musical career, she seems to attract many admirers of the opposite sex. Last year, there were rumors that the bassist was dating Red Hot Chili Peppers' new guitarist John Frusciante, but after a short time the narrative of the rumors changed, the object of sighs was supposed to be the young and handsome River Pheonix. Our latest findings, however, show that Dede has taken a break from dating and is living a single life for now, but who knows how long it will last? Surely there are many candidates who are chasing this incredible girl!

            Dede seems to have a perfect life – fame, money, friends, love. Despite this, many people seem to be concerned, mainly because of her young age. It is not known exactly, but it is estimated that the girl may still be a minor. Will sex, drugs and rock & roll destroy Dede like many, or will it be a ticket to a dream and fruitful music career? You will probably have to wait a bit for an answer, and for now we, the editors of Glow! magazin, as every week, will provide you with the hottest news of the music scene from all over America!"

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