Chapter 10

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"It takes two to make a murder.

There are born victims,

Born to have their throats cut,

As the cut-throats are born to be hanged."

~ Aldous Huxley


She leered, and I could see the lust growing in her eyes until it reflected my own.

"You better not rip my clothes." Her brown eyes narrowed at me and with that, every chain, lock, and bolt in my mind broke loose.

I grabbed her by the ankle and spread her legs until she was no less than an inch from me taking her. I could feel her become wet just from the sheer closeness of our bodies. Brushing my hand on the side of her face, then against her lips, I grabbed on to her hair and pulled it back, allowing me to latch on to her neck. Neither of us needed to speak. We knew what we wanted, and there were not enough words in the human language that could express what my tongue physically could, as I bit, licked, and sucked on her neck. I felt like a fucking animal, but I could not stop myself, and by God's name, when she unzipped my vest and rubbed her cool hands all over my torso, I became ravenous.

Pushing her back, I pulled off her top as quickly as possible, trying my best to do as she asked and not rip the damn thing off her. However, it didn't work, and I heard a small tear before the top was in shreds.

"Damn it, Lisa!" she yelled at me, and I stopped, pushing up to stare into her deep, dark eyes, my breath on her lips.

"Say it again," I muttered as I grabbed her breast through her bra. I would have preferred a laced one instead of a sports bra, but a breast was a fucking breast.

"Say what?"

Leaning in, I kissed her lips quickly before biting her bottom one. I then kissed her cheek, before I finally got to her ear and nibbled the lobe. I was losing my mind, I could feel it, all I wanted to do was devour each and every fucking part of her.

"My name," I whispered in her ear, and she shivered with pleasure. "Say my name again. Not in anger, or disgust, but as you did just now. As if I am the only one in the world who can satisfy you."

Because I was. I kissed down her neck once more. However, she grabbed me by the hair and brought me back to eye level. She said not a word, just gazing up at me for a moment, before kissing me almost desperately. For once, she fucking kissed me first, and I couldn't help but think it was better than fucking heaven, until she flipped me onto my back.

She straddled my waist and stared down at me before pulling her bra off. She kissed up my chest slowly, grinding herself against my cock as it begged for release. When she reached my neck, my hands went straight to her hair and hers went to my pants. Thank fucking Christ.

Flipping her over, I pinned her hands above her head and stared down at what was now mine. Her cheeks were flushed, her nipples erect, and I bent down to suck on them, as if they were begging me to do so. She moaned loudly as she tried to wriggle her hands free.

"Lisa," said, arching toward me.

"Again," I demanded as I moved to the next one, my tongue circling around her areola, not sucking on her nipple until she did as I said. But my girl never just gave in to me. Transferring both her hands to my right one, my left traveled into her pants, not stopping until it reached its target. I could feel her, and that eclipsed the pain from my arm. She was dripping from me. The moment I cupped her, my girl's back rose off the fucking bed.

"You fucking bastard." She moaned, trying to rub her legs together and force friction that I would not let her have.

"Again," I demanded once more, my lips traveling from her breast down to her waist slowly. I kissed every part of her, as I barely rubbed her wet pussy. She wanted more, and so did I, but she had do what I wanted.

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