Chapter 28

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"Any of you fuckin' pricks move,

And I'll execute every mother fuckin' last one of ya."

~ Honey Bunny, Pulp Fiction


"Chanyeol," I hissed through my teeth, and a second later, he placed a machine pistol and two extra mags in my hands.

"Your orders are to shoot to kill everyone but Amory or Saige," Lisa snapped at him. Hanbin and Chanyeol didn't even waste a second before they were out the door. Placing the magazines in the back of my pants, I could feel the bloodlust kicking in.

"Where is the family?"

"The safe room . . . where you should be," she said to me, grabbing hold of my arm before I could leave.

"Lisa, I don't want to waste bullets, but so help me God if you think for a second that I'm going to sit behind walls and wait for the storm to settle, I will end you myself," I snapped at her holding my gun to her nose.

Her eyes narrowed. "You're pregnant. Get the fuck behind the wall, Jennie."

"Fuck you." I glared back before walking out. The moment I did, all I saw was destruction. It was like . . . it was like we were bombed. Lights flickered, wires dangled from the ceiling, and all I could hear was gunfire.

Leaning against the wall, I held my gun to my chest as Lisa came up right next to me.

"Done treating me like a bitch and not your wife?" I asked, trying to see where the gunfire was coming from.

"You better not get hurt or I will kill you myself, love." Lisa smirked, kissing my cheek before stepping forward, shooting blindly into the hall and yet somehow, hitting the motherfuckers.

Stepping out from behind the wall, I glared at her as she smirked. "I hate you."

"You love me . . ." She was cut off as I shot into the hall at one asshole hiding behind a broken door.

"You forgot one." I smirked before running down the hall and I could feel her right behind me.

The moment we reached the east wing, it looked like an all-out war between our men, who used every part of themselves, including teeth and fists, and broken glass to kill if they were without a weapon. From the corner of my eye, I saw Bambam almost rip the arm off a Russian. The air was clogged with the scent of blood, and I was going deaf from all the noise around me. Out of nowhere, a blade sliced up my leg, and the second I looked down, I met the eyes of the fool who thought it was a good idea to cut me with glass.

Stomping my heel into his face, I screamed as his blood went everywhere. Wiping my face with my arms, I turned to see Lisa slit a man's throat. When she looked over again, she wasn't looking at me. I followed her gaze, in time to see Amory put a bullet in Jungkook's forehead.

Lisa roared so loudly I would have thought it was her who made the house shake. "Amory!"

Amory appeared shocked at first, as if he had forgotten whose house he had attacked. But the shock soon gave way to fear as Lisa stalked toward him like the devil herself. The moment anyone blocked her path, they were struck down so quickly I didn't even have time to blink. I wanted to watch her rain fire and brimstone on the fool, but I wasn't sure what they knew our how much they were after. There were only a few of them left. I needed to make sure that all our files and information weren't being stolen right from under us.

"Bambam!" I yelled for him but he was too far gone in his thirst for blood, and was busy shooting down the motherfuckers in his way. He looked almost giddy, like he was in some video game and invincible.

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