Chapter 24

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"We don't murder, we kill . . .

You don't murder animals, you kill them."

~ Samuel Fuller


Flipping on the television, I couldn't help but grin.

"Three weeks ago, Commissioner Patterson, you stood before us all and promised to make this city safe! You promised that you would put an end to the blood and corruption, but instead, all you have done is made it worse! For three weeks, it has been raining blood! The death count is up to twenty-seven that we know of. Most of them innocent people who just want to live their lives in peace. People are dying left and right! You did this!" A man yelled out in the crowd.

"My son was walking home for school. He walked that same path every day and then . . ." A mother sobbed with a photo of her son in her hands.

"Twenty-seven in the suburbs, fifty-four in the city, two a day in the most poverty stricken parts of the city. Commissioner Patterson, is this the new normal?" a reporter asked.

Commissioner Patterson looked old, tired, and stressed as he tried to find the words.

"The Chicago Police Department is . . ."

"The Chicago Police Department is no safer than we are! How many men and woman have we lost in the last three weeks?"

"We have lost at total of nineteen men in the line of duty." Commissioner Patterson sighed. I could feel the defeat coming through the screen.

"How can you keep us safe, if you can't even keep your own people safe?"

"Is the FBI going to get involved?"

"Nope," I said aloud and even if they did I had more than a few friends I could call on.

"Each one of these instances has been at the hands of multiple criminals, leaving them up to the Chicago Police Department to solve. However, they will be consulting on many of the cases involved." The Commissioner stood firm.

"Will the Governor call for a state emergency?"

"Not if he wants to lose his next election." I'm sure he was a friend of the families, Victoria held a function for him.

"We are not at that point yet. I understand how frightened you all are, but please don't lose faith in us. It is what the people who are responsible for this all want."

"Do you know who is responsible? Some have speculated this is because of the Mob, others say there was a breakout at the county jail."

I wanted to listen to his reply. However, I was distracted by the person kissing my neck from behind. Leaning into her, I allowed myself to relax.

"Keeping an eye on our city?" she whispered when she came up for air. Wrapping her arms around me, she pulled me closer.

"The Commissioner seems stressed." I smirked, reaching up to run my hand through her hair.

"With all the murders, robberies and bad press, I would be stressed as well." She snickered. Turning me to her, her eyes went straight to my breasts, but that's what I got for standing in my underwear as I watched the news.

"Like what you see?" I whispered to her.

Her eyes were coated with lust before she shook her head clear. "Yes, very much so, and as much as I would enjoy making you scream my name until your voice cracked, we have a very important wedding to get to."

"You're turning down sex for a wedding?"

"It's not just any wedding love." She pouted. "It's Saige and Amory's wedding, which means . . ."

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