Chapter 17

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"Murder, like talent,

Seems occasionally to run in families."

~ George Henry


"They're excited," Marco replied as we all stood in front of the jets, which were fueled to take us straight to Cascadia. The men were all beside themselves as they grabbed their gear and walked onto the planes. Those who weren't flying with us had driven, leaving late last night with Chanyeol so they could be there by the time we landed.

"How could any place named Candia be exciting?" Mina frowned, her hands across her chest as if she were a child. It was kind of funny. I didn't know Barbie's could bend their arms.

"Cascadia," Victoria corrected while Adriana stood beside her. I was curious to see what would happen in the week I was gone.

"Whatever, my point is the same." Mina rolled her eyes.

Evelyn smiled, clapping her hands. "Well, I'm excited for you children. I always wanted to send you all to camp. Take pictures!"

"Honestly, mother, it's not that type of camp." Lisa smirked, kissing her on the cheek before grabbing her bag.

"Actually it is," I replied, as Hanbin handed me my new smartphone. "I'm simply going as a chaperone to make sure they don't lose complete control."

"A chaperone?" Nickhun smirked. "What do you think will happen?"

Turning to Hanbin, I raised my eyebrows. He was trying really hard not to smile and even coughed.

"Well don't be shy," I told him.

"Last year, some of the knife nuts captured five or six skunks and placed them in the sniper cabins," he snickered quickly before returning solemn.


He dropped his head down. "And then the snipers covered their cabins in honey and fire ants."

"Then the hackers were hacked and their computers were filled with gay porn. They also replaced their normal mice with dildo shaped ones. The hackers then gave them laxatives. Which lead to the things I do not even want to begin to explain. If I hadn't stepped in, one of them probably would have died," I said as I checked my messages. Looking up, I saw Evelyn's red face still processing everything she just heard.

"Holy Jesus fuck, what's on the menu this year?" Bambam asked, wide-eyed. I could see the excitement building in his eyes.

Hanbin grinned. "You better watch your backs."

"Non vedo l'ora di prendere questi cani verso il basso." Antonio laughed alongside Hanbin.

Nickhun stepped forward. "If you're going to trash talk us, do it in English so everyone can hear or beidh mé briseadh do liathróidí."

"Just in case you don't know, he said he will break your balls." Bambam laughed.

Antonio held up his hands, not even least bit afraid. "You and your balls. All I said is I can't wait."

"Enough," Lisa snapped at them.

A whole week of this . . . how fun.

Marco looked desperate, and I would be, too, if I had to spend time with the women. "Jen, are you—"

"No, Marco," Evelyn and I said at the same time. She looked at me and grinned as if we had an alliance.

"This sounds so stupid," Mina declared with her nose so high a bird could nest in it. "Bambam—"

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