Chapter 30

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"I want to see your face when I kill you!

I want to see the light leave your eyes!"

~ Voldemort

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film,

J.K. Rowling


Day 5

"Lisa can be such an ass sometimes," Victoria said as she fluffed my pillow. "You should be resting in the summer house drinking a Sex on the Beach and watching the Young and the Restless. But instead, she has us all on lockdown. Can you believe that? We're on house arrest!"

I said nothing.

Sighing, Victoria fell onto the bed next to me. "I killed someone."

I said nothing.

"Right, that's probably not a big deal to you," she whispered. "But for me it's a huge deal. He came out of nowhere and I just reacted. Adriana told me to always carry at least two knives on me at all times, so I did. I still do. And that day I just pulled them out . . . and killed. But you know the most fucked up part?"

Again, I said nothing.

"I didn't care," she said. "The prick came into my home and tried to hurt me. And when I threw the blade right into his jugular, blood went everywhere. But all I could think was, 'fuck this asshole better not have AIDS.' That's fucked up right? I'm a good person. I was a good person. Before, I would be freaking out, praying over him or something, and yet all I wanted to do was kick his ass because he might have just given me AIDS."

Nothing. I said nothing.

"Jen, please speak to us. It's been five days. At least say something. Anything," Victoria begged me, but I couldn't.

Shifting onto my side, I tried to go back to sleep. I just wanted the darkness. I just wanted to sleep. It was the only time I felt anything.

"We love you, Jen." It was the last thing I heard before the darkness returned . . . thankfully.


"Where are Vance and Saige?" Bambam yelled. The prisoner he was speaking to dangled from the ceiling in front of us as I cut into my steak.

"Go fuck yourselves," the fool choked out.

Bambam looked to me, and I simply nodded while taking a bite of the bloody beef in front of me.

Taking the drill from Nickhun, Bambam held the point to the man's collarbone.

"Last chance. Where are Vance and Saige?" Bambam asked again.

Before the fool could get out his insult, Bambam drilled, ripping through skin, muscle, tissue, and bone. He screamed like a pig on its way to the slaughterhouse . . . mostly because he was. Bambam stopped only when we could see the drill head on the other end of the man's body, then he pulled it out and moved to the other shoulder.

"Where are Vance and Saige?" Bambam shouted into his face. "I swear to God I will drill through your penis next if you don't start speaking."

The fool spit up all over himself as he gasped out for air. "They're in hiding."

"No fucking duh!" I snapped, wiping the corners of my mouth. "I want to know where they're hiding. I have people burning your crops, bombing your labs, and killing your brothers. There will be more blood. There will be retribution. It can end with your bosses, or it can end with your whole family. Choose carefully, there are many more of you, and we have a lot of drills."

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