The Window Surprise

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A/N: This chapter probably won't be as good, it's just a filler chapter to lead into the next chapter! 


(Not proof read cuz I'm too lazy...)

 Jenna POV:

I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, unsure of what to do with my life in that specific moment, about a few seconds later, I had gotten a call... from Percy, hesitantly I answered, putting my phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I mumbled lightly, gently petting Vanillas head. "Jenna, we need to go on a date because SOMEONE  was out with another guy... your supposed to be mine, I don't want to share" Percy whined, pouting like a child "Percy, I'm no one's, so shut up! That's one, two... me and Jude were just hanging out as friends, my scream cast insisted I do it, so I did for them, he's not so bad though" I said, grinning lightly thinking about Jude "Look Jenna, it's late, but tomorrow at noon, me and you are gonna go have a nice romantic picnic— and please don't bring the slobbery dog of yours" I heard him sigh from the other end of the phone and I instantly rolled my eyes. "Leave me and my doggo alone. Please and thank you—" and with that, I hung up annoyed. "God I hate him" I said, turning over to the puppy who was licking my fingers.

It's now around 1 am and I sat there lying on the couch, half asleep watching Stranger Things with Vanilla sitting on my lap, I started to zone out before, I had gotten another call, this time from Jude. I answered instantly, "hey Jude!" I smiled brightly, "Hey Jenna" he said smiling back at me. "Oh my gosh, you should totally meet my big ass dog" I giggled flipping my camera to show Vanilla now laying on the floor on her back, snoring lightly. "She's adorable, what her name?" Jude asked, curious about my puppy. "Vanilla— if I said she was 3 months old you wouldn't believe me" I chuckle "Damn, she's definitely a big dog" Jude chucked.

Hearing searching at my window, I frantically turned around. "What the fuck was that" I whispered in a low tone. "Jenna...? Everything okay?" Jude said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah there's something at my window, hold up" I whispered, curiously walking towards it. "Jenna I don't think going towards the possible danger is a good idea..." Jude said from the phone, as I was carefully opening the window finding a black and white cat, with one glimmering crystal blue eye, and a warm hazel brown eye. "I TOLD YOU IT WOULDN'T BE DANGEROUS!" I excitedly yelled to the phone pointing to the cat, grinning. "Um, Jenna... what was at the window... I can't see it" I heard Jude chuckle. "Hold on." I said running to grab my phone pointing it at the cat, who didn't see, to be scared of the light, in fact the the complete opposite, he'd bat at my phone eventually knocking it out of my hand, leaving me giggling. "JUDE! I have a new cat!" I grinned laughing. "Wait hold up, I'm gonna wake my friends up to show them! I'll call you back!" I giggled, hanging up on Jude, and calling my scream cast Group chat.

"Good morning!" I giggled, after Jasmin and Melissa answered. "Why are you up?" Jasmin yawned. "I was thinking about Mikey... unlike someone" I teased. "I-I was dreaming about her" Jasmin protested. "Whatever why did u wake us 2am?" Jasmin rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah... why are you even up?" Melissa said, as Mason joined the call. "Good morning Mason! Anyway, look what I found!" I giggled pointing the camera at the cat. 

"Since when did you have a cat... I thought you had a dog." Mason asked clearly confused. "Since tonight dumbass" I joked, "Anyway me and Vanilla are keeping him, so shall should his name be?" 

"Take your ass to bed" Mason yawned. "Mason shut up and help us pick a good name!" Jasmine growled, now fully up, leaving Melissa giggling. "Fine what about Bob" he crossed his arms. "You're fired— go back to bed dumb ass" Melissa laughed out, and Mason left. 

"What about Socks—?" Melissa questioned, but was quickly cut off by Jasmine. "NO TYRONE— HE NEEDS A MANLY NAME" Jasmine yelled over Melissa. "YEAH, TYRONE!" I yelled with Jasmine excited. "I'm coming over tomorrow to meet him!" Jasmine giggled, hanging up, Melissa doing the same, leaving the room quiet once again. 

I quietly yawned, walking back to my room, turning the light off and falling sleep in my bed...

The worst mistake I've made...


Lemme know what you think, or what you wanna see next... 


Anyways that's it, have a great life :D

Next chapter will contain emotions that I feel currently cuz I'm therapist says it helps to write how I feel :DD


[800 words]

Was it a Mistake ||Jude Bellingham x Jenna Ortega||Where stories live. Discover now