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I'm Lucid that's all I really have to say there's nothing that special about me. Besides the fact I'm a werewolf and I also go to Brookside High School. Are school is right next to the woods. There is a picnic bench I sit and eat lunch at and I have 1 friend her name is Hasley she is also a werewolf. There is a lot of werewolves in are school there are humans to but they do not know about our existence. To them we are mythical creatures like fairy and vampires also unicorns. But for one thing they are right about the unicorns they went extinct about 10 million years ago. I'm that girl you don't want to be associated with at school. Im bullied daily and bruises daily lucky for me I've only got a split lip twice. I don't have anyone to stick up for me getting beat since I'm a weak werewolf towards them because my parents are human and don't know I'm a werewolf. I wish I could tell them I am but the rules of the phonix will not allow me. I got up and got ready for school I put on lavender skinny jeans and a black hoodie with black vans. I grabbed my bag and quietly walked down stairs "Lucid get over here now" my drunk drug overdosed father said. I walked over ." Go make me coffee now you little worthless piece of crap" he spatted. I'm use to this I get it every day. I handed him the cup of coffee and was about to walk out of the door until he grabbed ahold of my backpack and slammed me against the wall .
"This taste like BS"HE said punching me in the jaw then walking upstairs to the shower I headed to school feeling the bumpy bruise start to form I walked into the school and got more unwanted looks.
I got slammed into a locker and everyone in the hall went to class. Besides for Ashton he was my bully and he was also a werewolf.

Ashton Pov:
I was talking to my pack about all there mates and how it was about time for me to find mine or well destiny chooses it for me. Lucid looks horrible she got hit again from her father. I get so pissed when he hits her if anyone but me hits her they will get hurt by me.

I walk up and slam her against a locker she falls to the floor. Everyone cleared the halls and went to class." Oh did your dad beat you again Lucid?"
Her jaw was a swollen purple blue and it looked like it hurt if she talked.
"Answer me lucid"

Lucid's Pov:
"Y-yes he did" it hurt so bad to talk I started to cry.

"Stand up" Ashton said

I did as I was told. He kneed me in the stomach i fell on on the ground he kicked me in the stomach.

"Stand up Lucid" he said

"I c-cant " I whimpered

He stepped on my ankle making a crunching sound.
"S-STOP" I screemed crying.
He left me here.

I tried to get up but couldn't I think my ankle was broken. I eventually leaned against the lockers and made my way to the nurses office.

"What did you do?"
There was no way I was telling her I got attacked by Ashton.
"I fell and hit my head on the way down"
"Well you definitely broke I will wrap it for you and get you a cast and crutches".
I sat in the nurses while she fixed me up and gave me pain medication.

"You should be good to go back to class" she said
She gave me a note and I took my crutches and my back pack and entered my class. Ashton sat there and probably felt like he was the big Alpha.
I walked over to my spot and listen to the teacher.

Ashton pov:
I didn't meen to brake her ankle I thought I was just messing around. I can't believe I figured out who my luna was and I broke her ankle. I hurt my future Luna.

Hi guys new story again hope you enjoyed be sure to check out my other story's thanks so much

-Xox marshmallows ♡

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