The Sun and the Star (A Nico Di Angelo Adventure) - Izabella Solace

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Name: Izabella Rose Solace

Nicknames: Bella, and Belle

Age: 16

Camp Years: 8

Birthday: August 25

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Demi-God

Camp: Camp Half-Blood

Year-Round or Summer Camper: Both (Goes back and forth, and is homeschooled)

Fatal Flaws: Trust

Personality: Nice, Caring, Helpful, Loves Animals, Cunning, and Wanting to Prove Herself

Parents: Andrew Hydra (Biological Dad; Dead), Naomi Solace (Adoptive Mom), and Apollo (Biological Dad)

Siblings: William 'Will' Solace (Older Half-Brother by two days)

Likes: Dancing, Singing, Listening to Music, Writing Stories, Reading Stories, Swimming, Skating, Ice Skating, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Skateboarding, Drawing, Playing Instruments, Archery, and Pranks

Dislikes: Yelling, Bullying, and Hatred

Strengths: Light, Heat, and Archery

Weaknesses: Venom

Fears: Snakes, Spiders, Tight Spaces, and Abuse

Powers: Can control temperature, can temporary  blind people, can see the future when only asked and sometimes shares it, able to heal people by touch and song, can understand and speak to snakes, wolves, dogs, dragons, and phoenixes, light-travel (travel through light), control sound waves and music, curse people to speak rhymes, and can get people to speak the truth

Crush: Leo Valdez

Backup Crush: Percy Jackson

Socials: Izabella Rose

Pet: Golden Retriever, Light Brown Dragon, Light Brown Wolf, and Phoenix

Pet Name: Arki - Golden Retriever, Valoria - Dragon, Asher - Wolf, and Solas - Phoenix

Cabin: 7, Apollo

Weapons: Gold bow and arrows, gold spear gold daggers, and gold sword (can activate the from rings)

Other: Lactose Intolerant, Allergic to Soy and Seafood, Her being Pansexual is a secret, Eyes change colors based on emotion, Eyes turn golden-yellow when using powers, Blue eyes are natural eye color, Got marked by Apollo two weeks after she arrived at camp, Hasn't seen Apollo since she was 3. Her dad died when she was 11 and Naomi adopted her a few days afterwards. She likes to write songs but barely shares them. She and Will are they same age and she was born two days after him. Chiron made them both Co-Counselors when they were 13



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