Harry Potter - Izabella Black

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Name: Izabella Rose Black

Nicknames: Bella, Belle, Cub, and Pup

Age: 11-17

Birthday: August 15, 1980

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human

Personality: Nice, Caring, Helpful, Fair Play, and Loves Animals

Parents: Sirius Black (Dad), Ashley Winters (Mom), Remus Lupin (God-Father), and Andromeda Tonks (God-Mother)

Siblings: None

Likes: Dancing, Singing, Listening to Music, Writing Stories, Reading Stories, Swimming, Skating, Ice Skating, Gymnastics, Drawing, Playing Instruments, Pranks, and Quidditch

Dislikes: Yelling, Bullying, and Hatred

Strengths: Pranking, Kindness

Weaknesses: Being Shy

Fears: Snakes, Spiders, and Tight Spaces

Boggart: Abuse

Powers: None

Crush: Harry Potter or Fred Weasley

Backup Crush: Draco Malfoy, or George Weasley

Socials: Izabella Rose

Pet: Husky Golden Retriever Mix

Pet Name: Selina

House: Hufflepuff

Quidditch Positions: Hufflepuff Seeker, and Captain

Year Put on Quidditch Team: First Year

Year made Quidditch Captain: First Year

Jobs after Hogwarts: Singer, and Auror

Patronus: Horse

Animagus Form: Brown Wolf with Blonde on Tips of Ears and Tail, and Blue Eyes

Animagus Name: Crescent

How to Tell if in Animagus Form: Tips of Ears and Tail, and Eyes

Blood-Status: Pure-Blood

Wand: Willow wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¾" and quite bendy flexibility

Other: Lactose Intolerant, Allergic to Soy and Seafood, Nicest Hufflepuff Girl, Can change color of eyes, Color of eyes changing is a secret, and Blue eyes are natural eye color. Her parents agreed that her last name will be Black but she can change it anytime she wants. They were friends in school. She was also friends with Remus, Peter, James, and Lily. Her mom was killed by Bellatrix when she was 6. She writes songs and remembers some songs her mom used to sing to her. She never shares the songs she writes.



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