Bridgerton - Izabella Lopez

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Name: Izabella Rose Lopez

Nicknames: Bella, and Belle

Age: 15-17

Birthday: August 15, 1798

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human

Personality: Nice, Caring, Helpful, Loves Animals, Cunning, and Wanting to Prove Herself

Parents: Ashley Lopez (Mom; Dead), Hestia Firelight (Step-Mom), and Apollo Lopez (Dad)

Siblings: Michael Lopez (Oldest Brother), and William Lopez (Second Oldest Brother)

Likes: Dancing, Singing, Listening to Music, Writing Stories, Reading Stories, Drawing, and Playing Instruments

Dislikes: Yelling, Bullying, and Hatred

Strengths: Singing, Dancing, and Playing Instruments

Weaknesses: Being Judged

Fears: Snakes, and Tight Spaces

Powers: None

Crush: Benedict Bridgerton

Backup Crush: Penelope Featherington

Pets: Husky

Pet Name: Arki - Husky

Weapons: None

Other: Lactose Intolerant, Allergic to Soy and Seafood, Her being Pansexual is a secret. Only her brothers know about her being pansexual. She likes to write songs but she sometimes doesn't share them. She rarely sings and dances anymore. She stopped singing and dancing when her mom died.


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