Your face. (Re written...)

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I totally didn't accidentally delete this....

"Bill!" I giggle out as he spun me around

He giggled seeking my exited face and put me down pulling me into a kiss

" I love you billll" I say out looking into his eyes

"I love you too bunny" he giggled pulling me into another kiss.

"Alright break it up." A female manager barked while walking over to us

It was so obvious she liked bill. She'd always pull us apart even when we weren't doing anything.... She'd get mad after the director distracted her so we could sleep together

I groan as bill let go and sat on the couch with an annoyed face.

I sat right next to him and leaned into him

I was deep in thought before I could feel a familiar acrylic nail poke my cheek.

"Bill" I groan as I didn't like it when he did that....

"Do you want a brownie?" He asked with his sinister grin

"Yes yes!" I beg

He smiled and left to go get the brownies from the other room

I noticed out of the corner or my eye that that chick had made her way in front of me

"Listen here. We all know bill likes me more than you, your just in it for the money. I'm better for him. Just give up and let him go!" She barked

Georg snapped his head to her with his mouth agape and Tom stood up ready to 'kill' her.

"Are you kidding me? You didn't just say that to her!" Georg snapped with a disgusted face

She just rolls her eyes

"Wow Katie..... imagine what bill would think knowing what you've just said to his girlfriend, not to mention future wife and children carrier.....?" Tom asked with a smirk

Her face froze

Just as bill came in and set the plate next to me Tom let lose

"So bill, Katie here thinks you'll leave dear y/n for her skank ass. She just told y/n that you liked her more and that she's the better choice.... What do you have to say about that?" Tom asked bill while sitting down crossing his arms

"I didn't say that!" Katie objected

"Yes you did..." I whispered looking into bills eyes. That spark was gone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Why would you say something like that to her?! Get the fuck out before I call security!!" Bill yelled at her making me whine as it hurt my ears

"What a cunt." Georg complained leaning back in his office chair

"Right." Gustav said picking his tired head up

"I'm so sorry she said those things to you. We all know that isn't true!" Bill said looking into my eyes

"I know" I smile and snuggle into him eating my brownie

After a couple of minutes head master came in and called the boys together for showtime

I signed as bill kissed me then left to preform leaving me all alone.

I decided to draw to keep my mind busy but it wasn't working....

I got up and ran to the bathroom as I felt myself about to cry from overthinking

I look in the mirror as my lip quivered.

I lifted up my shirt and ran my cold fingers over the matching star tattoo me and bill had got together

I ran my fingers over the ink and sighed as I calmed down

Just then I heard a loud knock at the door.

"Y/n? It's dale? Everything okay?" I heard the head director yell to me

I open the door and see dale standing there worried

"I'm okay" I start while we walk down the hallway to the stage

"Just the worries of being a rockstar's girl..." I state laughing a bit to hide my feelings

"N/n you know bill loves you! You guys have matching tattoos..... matching hair- matching outfits- matching makeup- you can't tell me he doesn't love you cause we all see it!" He started

"Yeah yeah dale I know!" I laugh

"But it just worries me, his fans you know?" I ask as we reached the side of the stage

"I know" he sighed

He pulled up a chair for me to sit and watch and I gladly sat

(Edit # 2 😭)

(This isn't finished yet but I'm going to post it cause I feel like you guys deserve to see what I've re written so far..... also to remind me if things are too wrong or off from the original I wrote!!!)

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