You might just turn into something i like...

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(Tom kaulitz)
[inspired by "i like" by Katy rose]

Tom kaulitz was the it boy.

Every chic in school wanted him, but he always turned them down.

Girl after girl he just didn't want.....?

It was a Thursday and I was in my last class of the day, I just so happen to have Tom kaulitz in this class.....

The weird thing is whenever we always did projects in partners he would always try to get with me but I always got nervous and picked someone else.

I wish I didn't.

Today was the same. Mrs, kovijk told us we had to get a partner but this time they where our requested person

We where informed this person was going to be our permanent..... partner.

I wasn't here for that cause I skipped a day but...

"Y/n did you hear? Your with Tom!" She yelled gaining my attention

"Sorry ma'am! Yea I heard!" I responded

Wait Tom?

I'm so fucked.

We all switched desks and all the girls glared at me...

They all wanted him. But I didn't.

Yeah Yeaa he is in this big popular band and he's a guitarist he's good looking bla bla bla.

As I sat next to him he smiled widly at me

"Why do you always run away? I'm used to girls running towards me?" He asked giggling

I suddenly felt my anxiousness go away.

I smile

"Because all these girls want you! And I don't wanna take up a space of a future girlfriend" I laugh sarcastically

"You know I don't want them right?" He asked now seriously

I raise a brow

"I don't get it?" I said

He just laughed at me and shook his head.

We started to work on the project and we actually got along really well....

It was 5 before the bell and me and  Tom where chatting

"Your a nice girl, sit with me at lunch tomorrow?"

He asked playing with his lip ring

I smile and nod to him as the bell rang and we walked out

As I came home I had so many mixed feelings.

Was I falling for Tom kaulitz?

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